Chapter 24 - Summer

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Before I knew it summer had hit us like no other before, the coolest day getting little under 30 degrees with absolutely no relief from the non existent breeze, to top if off Christmas was only a week away and whilst every amazing person in my life was going out of their way to ensure our Christmas was one for the record book it was still tarnished by the fact that the most important part of my life was missing. Still I had been doing a lot better since the first time Tyler had called me 2 months ago, we had even spoken a few times since then, not all of them had been R rated conversations.

As for little junior, they were cooking along quite nicely, and at 24 weeks pregnant there was absolutely no hiding this pregnant belly, it had rounded out like a basketball. Jackson had been the one to accompany me to the 20 weeks ultrasound and shared the news of our little ones gender swearing him to secrecy, Tyler should be the next in the loop before announcing it to anyone else. 

School had wound down for the summer and the Christmas holidays and with the 6 weeks school break it would be highly unlikely I would be returning next year.

"Come on waddles, breakfast is ready" Jackson called out. 

Fresh from the shower I finished drying my body before starting on my hair. Oh how I was hating on Jacksons new nickname for me, referring to me as a penguin because of the way I was apparently walking now - what an asshole!
I wrapped my hair into a bun, slipped on some white cotton shorts and one of Tylers black singlet tops. My Mum had been amazing taking me clothes shopping each month to buy clothes to fit my changing body shape, she had become so accepting of the fact that she would soon be a grandmother she would insist on buying things that 'wouldn't go out of style' 

"Skye, just pick the plain one" she had told me whilst I was trying to decide between 2 mid thigh summer dressed, One being a plain light purple and the other was abstract patterns in shades of Orange, white and blue, both had thin spaghetti straps were fitted to the bust then flowed into a loose skirt, Mum went on clearly favouring the purple one,

"You want to pick one you can wear again next time" I was shocked by what she said my jaw dropping open,

"Umm, next time Mum?"

"Oh, come on Skye, lets not pretend we both don't see how Tyler looks at you, I give you a year and you will be announcing your pregnancy again"

"Um who are you and what have you done with my mother" She smiled calmly at me,

"Well if you are going to insist on making me a grandmother at 38 I will fulfil that role" she sighed, "I just wish we could get your father to come around", He was having a hard time adjusting to the fact I was having a baby and it was clearly taking its toll on my Mum too noticing the worry lines on her face and her hard pressed lips.

More Kids? I hadn't really thought about it, I wonder if Tyler has thought about how many kids he would like, Not that I had even spent much time thinking about it, but I knew I definitely wanted more than 1, I didn't want my child growing up without sharing the sibling bond Ty and Jax had, I guess we would probably have to talk about it one day soon. 

"Waddles there is bacon" Jacksons worlds pulled me out of me deep thoughts with the promise of bacon,

"You know when you talk dirty to me like that I almost forgive you for calling me Waddles" I laughed,

"Awwww, you haven't warmed up to that one yet Star" I shot him a deathly glare "Well to bad baby, its not going anywhere" he kissed my cheek leaving me with my bacon, "Now hurry up and eat Waddles so we can get this stupid present shopping done".


It was Christmas eve and the weather had hit an all time high - 44 degrees, Jacksons work had closed down for the Christmas break so we locked ourselves away, air con set to a wonderful 22 degrees and all blinds and windows closed. Sitting in the lounge room we were attempting to wrap gifts, I was stretched out on the floor my back against the lounge where Jackson was sitting using the coffee table as his workbench,

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