Chapter 23 - Check Up

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Almost a full month had past since Tyler had left - Jackson and I were doing pretty well at playing house, He would take me to school everyday and most afternoons I would walk to the auto shop he worked at and hang out in the apartment upstairs until he finished, it was a fair distance from school to home and being in the apartment gave me quiet time to get my homework done, rest and watch TV before going home to adult.
At home we would cook dinner eating together and talking through our days, at night Jackson would stay with me until I fell asleep, I hated being by myself at night time, I missed the warmth of Tyler next to me, I hated not knowing where he was. 

I did have my 12 week ultrasound though - and it was amazing:

* Flashback

"Ok Skye, so all your blood tests have come back and everything is looking good, your blood pressure is a little low so we will need to keep a close eye on it as you get further along in your pregnancy, Now if you would like to lay down we can have a look at that little baby in there" Dr Lucas placed the cool jelly on my stomach before placing the wand down over it, the sound of my babies heartbeat filled the room, strong and steady,

"Woah" Jackson reacted, sitting next to the bed, "Is that its heartbeat" he asked, I nodded at him, smiling as he looked in awe at the image that appeared on the screen,

"Theres your baby" Dr Lucas pointed at the screen. It was incredible, the last time it was nothing more than a little blip on the screen, a peanut, now - this was an actual baby, arms, legs and face defined through the black and white image, I couldn't tear me gaze away as Dr. Lucas went about taking some measurements, 

"Well Skye, all your measurements show to be 12 weeks and 5 days so we are right on schedule, Would you like some pictures, I imagine you will want one for Tyler" 

"Yes, Please" I choked out, she nodded and excused herself allowing me time to clean up, Jackson stood up and came to my side as I shrugged my jacket on,

"That was incredible" he paused "I mean I knew you were pregnant, obviously but hearing that and seeing it, was just - wow" I couldn't help but chuckle at the way he spoke " You are growing a baby Skye - in here" his finger went under my shirt lightly grazing over my small bump, his bottom lip was between his teeth, clearly there was some sort of internal battle going on here,

"Jax, are you Ok?"

"Yeah" he choked back, "I'm good Skye, just leave it Ok" turning he walked away.


3 weeks had gone by since that day and I was almost 16 weeks now, my body was changing everyday, the morning sickness had eased off but was replaced by the fact that I was now horny all the time and with Tyler bring away my only form of release was my hand....

The October weather warmed my body as I lay on the patio deck chair, One hand on the book I was reading out loud, the other placed over my belly I could feel the babies movements reacting to the sound of my voice, I hadn't told anyone I could feel the baby moving, the one person I really wanted to share this with was Tyler, god how I missed him. 

My trip into depression land was cut short when my phone rang, I picked it up glancing at the screen 'Out of area'


"Hey baby girl" the deep, husky voice on the other end spoke, my breathing caught in my throat,


"Yeah baby, its me" I could hear him smiling through the phone

"I miss you Ty" 

"God I miss you to baby, more than you can imagine" I made my way into the bedroom, laying on the bed,

Falling - COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora