Chapter 4 - My Best Friend - The Bad Boy??

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I was just over 2 years old when my Dad got a job at one of the local supermarkets, taking whatever hours he could meant he got to work with a whole lot of different people in the store. It didn't take him long to form a friendship with a beautiful young woman, resulting in my Mum meeting her best friend, Sophia Archer.

Sophia and her husband Charles had 2 sons, Tyler aged 5 and Jackson who was 6 months older than me. From the first time I met Jackson we became pretty much inseparable, our parents quickly having to adjust to organising sleep overs taking it in turns sometimes to look after each others child.
Tyler being 5 was a bit too cool for us to start with but as we became older he would hang out with us more.
About 3 years ago Jackson started going through his changes and then gone was the lanky boy who spent his days in baggy blue jeans and loafers, He now stood 6ft3 towering over my 5ft10 frame, his broad shoulders and defined stomach show his love for boxing, spending hours training in the gym, something he uses as a venting method from years of frustration he feels from his Father basically abandoning him, Tyler and Sophia a few years ago.
He has spacers in each ear, a lip ring and tongue ring, his jet black hair is flipped back off his face, he uses just enough gel to hold it in place but keep it soft enough to run his hand through - a dead give away he is losing his cool, He has dark grey eyes and these beautiful pouty pink lips which are highlighted on his golden skin, Basically he is absolutely HOT!!!

He kind of has a reputation as a bad boy which I cannot say I 100% agree with, Yes, he is a bit of a player and girls do have a tendency to throw them selves at him, one time at school two girls actually staged a cat fight in the hallway to try and get his attention, all it actually did for them was earn them a suspension.
His wardrobe consists mainly of black skinny jeans which were usually ripped in some way, black t-shirts, boots and leather jackets, for his 16th birthday his Mum gave up on arguing with him and allowed him to get a tattoo, a full length sleeve on his right arm, he didn't abuse or threaten people he just stood up for himself and me, class wasn't overly important to him and teachers referred to him as challenging, He was definitely the biggest guy in our year and anyone would have been crazy to go up against him.
Jackson and his brother Tyler were insanely close, the older they got the closer they become, sometimes I swear they could communicate just by sharing a look.

It wasn't long and our summer holidays were drawing quickly to a close and we had chosen to spending a majority of our last moment of freedom together lazing in Jacksons room watching Netflix.
Today I was watching him flick the remote back and forth from Netflix to Stan and I couldn't help but laugh at my 'bad boy' who couldn't even decide on a movie.

"Problem Star" he looked at me with one eyebrow raised,

"No, not really - just admiring you, 'bad boy' Jackson Archer, tell you are taking your bike to school when we go back, I mean can you imagine what your group of 'fan girls' will say when they see you - they might actually pee their pants" I had started laughing so hard at the thought of the girls in our school falling all over themselves at the sight of Jackson on his motorbike to the point I fell back on the bed with tears rolling down my face

"Really?" he paused "Really Star?, you actually want to go there?" he hovered over me bringing his face so close I could feel his breath on my cheek "Your not jealous are you my little Star? Is that a shade of green I see in those eyes?" The laughing had stopped but my heart rate had speed up, I stuttered my response to him

"What? How did you know"? His breathing paused as he furrowed his eyebrows

"And now you want to play me huh? You actually think I don't know what you're trying to do here Star?" he moved his hands down to either side of my waist as he straddled my hips "maybe it's time we let the bad boy out to play" he lowered his face to mine again until his lips were brushing my ear

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