Your child's first word

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Your child's first word

Harry: "How is dada his first word?!" You were in shock, as your son repeated that word over and over, while smiling his adorable little smile at Harry. Harry looked at you confused, "Why wouldn't it be?" "Well," you shrugged, "I just meant, like you're never here. You've been gone so much, and yet he still says that first." Harry smiled, his eyes going back to your son, who had still yet to stop repeated dada over and over again, "I guess you talk about me too much." You instantly rolled your eyes, but then sighed as you admitted, "Okay, so all day he hears how much I miss daddy, and how he'll be home soon, and how he'll get to see him soon... But still, how did he not say mama first?!" Harry laughed, "I love that you're jealous over this." You crossed your arms, "I am not." "You are," Harry responded with a nod, "And I love that."

Louis: "I wanted it to be dad," Louis said, after you told him that you had heard your daughter utter her first word. "Was that it?" With a small laugh, you shook your head, "No, she is just like her dad and picked the most random word to be her first. Not mama or dada or anything normal, not at all." Louis laughed as well, "Was it cat? We don't even have a cat. Why would she say that first." You shook your head, "No. She's not that much like you. Her first word was hi." Louis began to laugh yet again. "Of course it was. Seriously [Y/N], what did she say?" "That is it," you assured him, remembering that moment so perfectly. "I walked into her room, and she had just woken up from a nap, and I said Hi baby, looks like you're all ready to get up. And she looked right at me, and said 'hi.' I'm not even joking Louis." Louis continued to laugh, wishing he could hear her say that now, "How did she pick such a practical first word."

Niall: "If she says Irish or something like that first, I may scream at you," you warned Niall jokingly, as you waited patiently for the day your daughter would speak. Your son already had, he'd said his first word, love, two weeks ago, so now you were just waiting to hear what she would say first. Niall laughed at that, "It would awesome if she did!" "You would think that," you replied, as you looked over at her sitting on the floor playing with her favorite toy, her stuffed duck. "She's going to say something random, I just know it." "Well let's see," Niall quickly replied, before walking over to her, and scooping her up, "What do you want to say?" Instantly tears welled up in her eyes, and she let out a loud scream, "Duck!" "What did she say?" Niall looked horrified, having misunderstood what she just said. All you could do was laugh hysterically, "Her stuffed duck Niall. She wants her duck."

Liam: Liam was so excited about the thought of your child talking. He had been excited for so much so far in your child's short life, but this was a major milestone; one of the biggest, and he was so ecstatic when he heard her first little word. "Mama." "Did you hear that?! [Y/N], did you?!" You laughed, and looked at your 6 month old child. She was just making noise, you were sure, "I'm not so sure that she was actually speaking Liam. I think she was just.." "No, she said mum. Watch." Liam picked her up, and pointed at you, "Who is that baby? Who is that right there?" Your daughter's eyes lit up, even at her young age knowing she'd done right just now, and excitedly reached her hands out for you, "Mama. Mama." Your heart soared. "Oh baby, you did say it!" Liam was smiling brightly, as he handed your daughter to you, "This is one of the best moments of parenthood so far. I'm so glad we were both here to hear it." You smiled, your eyes on your happy little girl, "Me too."

Zayn: "The minute he said it, I wanted you here," you said to Zayn, as you stared at him through a computer screen. He was halfway around the world, and had missed that big milestone in your son's life. It broke your heart to have to tell him this all over Skype. It just didn't feel right. "I'm sorry Zayn." He did feel bad missing his son's first word, but all along he had known he would miss out on some of the big moments. It was part of his job. Traveling so much meant he would miss some of these milestones. He was just glad you were there, and could tell him all about it. "What did he say?" You smiled, but your smile was strained, "It was dada." "Oh..." "Yeah, we were watching the new music video, and he pointed at you and said dada." Zayn pretended to hear someone calling his name, "That's great, but I have to go." You knew him better than that, and knew he was just upset to have missed that, but you played along. "Okay Zayn, we love you, and can't wait to see you. Bye."

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