He Cheats On You- Niall (Final Part)

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He Cheats On You- Niall (Final Part)

Niall- At first it was quiet, no words spoken only both of your breathing. You weren't going to start off, he was going to have to. There is too much to say but you couldn't say everything unless you were provoked to. But you didn't have the energy to yell or scream. That's when he looked at you, seeing your arms crossed and your blank expression. "I've apologized to you, I've tried so hard to make you happy but you just aren't happy" Niall starts and you nodded but you notice his eyes water. "I just wanted you to prove I was the only one" You whispered and he snapped his neck back. "That's all you wanted? All that you needed? I tried to do that but you pushed me away" He calmly said, his voice cracking and a lone tear trailing down his face. "You don't know what's it's like. To think the one you're desperately in love with to break their promise. Their promise to stay true to you. Their promise to just be yours while you're theirs. When I saw you with her it broke me. How would you feel if you found me with another guy? What if he made me feel just like you make me feel? What if his name was dropped from his lips? How would you feel? Worthless? Insecure? Like nothing?" You explained, as tears went down your face remembering them together. Remembering your feelings. He had tears streaming down his face too. You could tell it hurt him when you ask him about you being with another guy. It was nothing compared to your pain. You felt like nothing. "I.. I don't know. It would kill me to see you with someone else. It really would. I'm so fucking sorry. I'm so so fucking sorry. You are the only one. You're the only one who can make me smile when I wake up. You're the only one who can make me laugh at sad times. You're the only one that gets me, sometimes more than the lads. You're the only one Y/N. You are the only one for me. No one can make me feel like you make me feel" Niall said as he tilted your head to face him. You saw nothing but regret and love within his eyes. You nodded and lightly kissed his lips. You both stayed there cuddling up to each other. His arm around you staying on your lower back as your hands were wrapped around his neck. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel like that. I really didn't. I'm such an asshole. I really am" He whispered right next to your ear. You pulled away from him and kissed his lips again. "Make me feel like the only one" you whispered against his lips as you starting to kiss down his neck stopping at his sweet spot. That night he made you feel like the only girl. He would tell you what he loved about you every kiss he made. Every thrust he made. He made you feel special and since that night he didn't ever cheat on you again.

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