He was a player before you

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He was a player before you

Louis: You knew of Louis' reputation. You knew of all the other girls who had been left broken hearted over him. So how did he expect you to just give him a chance? "I'm not going to do this Louis. I have to think about myself right now, and I know you are not the type of guy I want. I won't be used." Louis was disappointed to hear that response, but could see why you would feel that way. "But I promise not to hurt you. I've been a jerk in the past, and I admit that, but I wouldn't do that to you." "I'm sure all the other girls were told that as well." Louis' shoulders slumped, "I might have said similar things, but I mean it now. I would never hurt you. I feel different with you than with anyone else. Is there anyway I can change your mind?" "Prove you have changed," was your simple response, though that was not a simple task for him. "Show me this new Louis that you claim you are, and maybe I'll say yes. No other girls, even if I'm not saying yes now. Show me you really do want to be with me, and only me." Louis stood up straight again, "I can do that. I promise." "Then we'll see." Louis smiled, knowing he would not ruin this chance, and you would go out with him one day.

Harry: You were just another girl in a long list that Harry went through. He told you all the right words, and got you to fall for him as all the others had done in the past. You would be fun for a while, and then he'd find another. He had no plans to change his ways. Then he spent time with you. He fell in love with the way you laughed. The spark in your eyes when you said his name. He fell for you hard, when he never wanted to. It was after he fell for you, that you learned of his past. "So when were you planning on dumping me?! Is there another girl already?!" "[Y/N], no, I promise. Things are different this time." "How many times have you said those words?!" Harry was panicking. He couldn't lose you. You were finally everything he always wanted. "Please don't leave me. I'm not lying to you. I love you [Y/N]. I won't do that to you. My past is not right now." You wanted to believe him, but had so many worries now. "How do I trust you?" "I wouldn't fight for a girl if I didn't really want to be with her. Letting you walk away, it would be fine for the old me." Maybe that was true. You just didn't know. "You're going to have rebuild the trust I thought we had." "And I will. I promise."

Niall: "Don't date Niall, he'll just shatter your heart like he did to everyone else." You were told that over and over again, by many different girls. They all knew first hand what Niall would do. Play you along just long enough to make you fall, and then break your heart, and he wouldn't even be loyal to you during that time. "He's not going to suddenly change just for you. Do you really think you're that special?" You heard their words, and took it all in. Of course you didn't think you were special. Why would he treat you different from them? But something about the way he acted around you, it showed a different side of Niall. "I keep telling myself you'll just hurt me, but then you do something to show me you won't. I just don't know what to believe." Niall knew with all his heart he would never hurt you. You weren't like the others. This was real. "Believe what you feel, not what others tell you. I promise I won't hurt you. My word may not mean much, but I mean it this time." You thought over this for so long now, and felt confident as you replied, "I don't know why, but I do trust you. I trust you, even when my brain says I shouldn't. You get a chance. Don't blow it."

Liam: Being with Liam should have been totally your choice. What his ex-girlfriends had to say about it did not matter to you. Or it wouldn't have, if they ever left you alone. "We just want to protect you. He is going to hurt you, exactly like he hurt all of us." "I understand he was like that in the past, but he said he's changed now. He said he really loves me. He seems to really mean it this time." "And you don't think we all heard the same words? That we were the one, and he meant it this time. He swore he was different, and would never hurt us like the others." You swallowed hard, "I believe him." "Why? We have warned you so much. Why would you believe him?" Staring at his ex-girlfriends, you were careful with your words. They had been hurt, and they were only trying to protect you right now. They were doing nothing wrong. "Because maybe I'm stupid, but I really do believe him. I think he has changed. I believe him when he says he loves me. Maybe I'll end up hurt, but that's on me. You can all say I told you so, if it ends how you expect. I don't think it will though, and I'm not going to risk true love over fears."

Zayn: Never before had you dated the bad boy. You were not the one to buy into that, and fall for someone you would never truly have. With Zayn, it was different though. You fell for him before you knew his bad boy side. You just saw the amazing heart you fell for. When you did learn the truth though, you almost walked away. "I am just not sure I want this," you explained to him, with a heavy heart. "Is it because of how I treated those other girls?" You nodded, "If you did it to them, you'll do it to me." "Or I've grown up, and I'm not like that anymore." "Am I supposed to stay? Believe you're changed, and just trust you? Do you know how stupid everyone already thinks I am?" Zayn did know what others were saying about the two of you, but did not care. "I don't care what they say, and you shouldn't either. Don't listen to them, listen to yourself. What do you want?" Your voice was not completely steady, as you replied, "I want to be with you, but I'm scared to get hurt." Zayn grabbed your hand, and held it tightly, "I promise never to hurt you. Everything in the past, all the mistakes I made, I won't repeat. Not this time. I can't lose you." "Fine, I'll give you one chance, but if you hurt me even once I am gone for good." "So I won't mess up. I promise."

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