You have a seizure

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You have a seizure

Harry: Years of being together led Harry to be very knowledgeable when it came to dealing with your seizures. You had only a handful during your relationship, but each time stuck out in his mind, and helped him know what to do now as you laid there in the middle of yet another one. He helped you onto your side, and carefully moved a few things away from you. He remembered last time how you hit your hand against a glass next to you, and shattered it as well as injured your hand. There was no way he was going to let that happen again. He would have called 911 again, if not for the reassurance from your doctor to only do so if it lasted longer than 5 minutes. He started timing it right away, and it ended after only 2. A while later, when you feeling okay again, and sitting up, he finally allowed himself a moment to worry. "I always get so scared. I know I should be used to it, but I do worry every single time." You wished you could understand what he was saying, but though it was your body, you could in no way relate to his fear every time this happened to you. "I don't know how scary it is, or what it's like for you to see. I do know that I am so, so glad to have a boyfriend who is so protective though, and I always know I can feel safe in knowing when it happens, you're there to take care of me." "And I always will be," he assured you, before kissing you gently, "I'm always going to take care of you. I promise."

Liam: You began dating Liam only a week ago, and dating was a strong wrong. You were seeing each other, with friends always around as well. Nothing was official or serious yet, and that meant you had not sat down and told him all about your health issues. It seemed an odd topic to bring up, when things were still so new. So he was in shock, when while at his house watching a movie scene with lights that flashed a little too brightly, you were shaking in your seat. "What's wrong with [Y/N]?!" He shouted, as all your friends remained relatively calm. "It's okay, it's okay. She has seizures at times. It'll end soon. It's only scary for a little while." "Why are you all so calm?! A seizure? She's okay?!" Your best friend, who had witnessed these more than anyone else, nodded, "Yeah, she's okay. It happens. Just calm down please. When it ends, she needs us to not be shouting at her or at all." Liam glanced over at you, and noticed the shaking already seemed to come to an end, "It's over just like that?" "Yeah," you best friend nodded, "It's only scary for a bit, I told you that." "And that's normal?" he swallowed hard. He was so concerned for you. "For [Y/N] it is. She has medicine that controls them a little, but it still happens. Don't freak out at her please, she doesn't control this." "I wouldn't. I just got so scared." "It is scary, but she's okay, I promise," your best friend replied, before turning her attention to you. She knew how to take care of you after a seizure, and Liam just watched as she handled the situation exactly as you needed her to.

Niall: "You just stare off sometimes, and stop talking for a little while. Do you know that?" Niall questioned, after you did just that yet again. "You've said that before, but I never remember doing that. I guess I'm just daydreaming. People do that all the time." "You really don't remember at all when it happens?" Niall asked, with a hint of concern in his words. "It's last for a short while, and you just won't acknowledge me at all. It's not like daydreaming. It's different." You laughed at the way he making this sound so dramatic. "I just daydream a bit more intensely than you. Who cares?" "I just think it could be something more," Niall finally voiced his true concerns, "I researched, which I know you shouldn't do because online is scary and full of lies. But I did, and it said it could be more serious than just daydreaming. It could be seizures." You laughed, "You're not serious? You think when I zone you out I'm having a seizure? It's normal to zone out." "They aren't normal [Y/N]. I know you think I'm crazy for worrying, but I do. Just please go to a doctor and see." You rolled your eyes, but his words were getting to you. What if it was this? "Okay, I'll go and see. Then you'll know I just ignore you." "I hope so," Niall replied, but he knew he was right. This was not daydreaming. This was something more.

Louis: They were not a rare occurrence for you, so you warned Louis very shortly after you got together that it could happen at any time. Sometimes you knew what would trigger one, and avoided it. You couldn't always do that though, and they would happen. You told him it would be okay though, and that he should not panic if one did. He promised he wouldn't, but then it happened and that promise was long forgotten. The first time he watched as you suddenly stopped talking, and everything in you began to jerk around, he did not know what to do. You had just been sitting on the couch listening to music, singing along, and now this. Panicking was his natural reaction. He tried to calm down enough to remember what you told him he should do. He was still trying to remember any of the words you said, when the seizure seemed to end, and your shaking stopped. "Are you okay?" he questioned, finally remembering you telling him that he should help you lay down on your side during or after one occurred. He did this, and just sat there for a few minutes waiting for you to speak. "I told you this happens. I'm okay. My head hurts a little, but it'll go away soon. I promise."

Zayn: This was not something that happened to you. Not even once before. You were diabetic, and normally maintained it so well. Today though you were with Zayn, and he was so busy. This meant you were as well. It caused you to not eat much all day. This was not good for you, and you knew it, but you were sure you okay. You felt a little weak, but skipping one meal you believed would be fine. You had a large breakfast, and thought it could hold you over all day. You should have known better. You shouldn't be in a hospital right now. Zayn should not have found you in the middle of a seizure. None of this should have happened. Thankfully, though he didn't know what was going on, Zayn knew to get you to a doctor quickly. "It was low blood sugar." Zayn heard the doctor explain to you, "Were you feeling dizzy or ill in any way before this moment?" You thought back over your day. You had felt ill. You remembered feeling dizzy. There was so much going on though, you had brushed it aside. "A little. I just. I was busy, and..." "Please don't ignore those signs. Next time take care of it before it leads to a hospital visit. This was avoidable. Don't let your sugar get that low again, please."

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