You do the 'Boyfriend Does My Makeup Tag'

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You do the 'Boyfriend Does My Makeup Tag'

Harry: "What the hell is this?" he smirked, looking through the heaps of make up you had. "Okay, lets just do this." he huffed. "Explain to them what you're doing Haz!" you laughed. "Okay we're gonna take this weird thing and put it on her eyebrows!" He smiled, waving the mascara at the camera. "Mmm, if that's what you think this is for, this is gonna be interesting!" You giggled, feeling him brush your eyebrows with the mascara. "Now lets work on the eyes! Oh hey (YN)? Why do you have colouring pencils in your makeup?" he asked, oblivious to the fact it said 'eye pencil' on the side. "Hazza, they're not colouring pencils! Now get on with it" you sad, playfully smacking his chest. When he was done, you looked like a monster. But you can't blame him for trying.

Zayn: Zayn had cheated. He was looking for some good make up tutorials, and so when he had to do yours, he would know what most things are for. So when the time came, he knew exactly what to do. "So we're gonna take this blush brush and apply some blush on her cheeks!" He smiled, making you suck your cheeks in so he could apply it properly. "You cheated didnt you?" He shook his head. "So since when are you such an expert?" He sighed. "I didn't want you to look bad, so I looked online" he smiled, sheepishly. "Aww boo!" You laughed. "But now your punishment is for me to do your makeup!" His eyes widened. "You're lucky I love you." And so the tag was turned around and when you posted the video and tweeted it #ZaynIsAMakeupExpert #LuckyILoveYou(YN) was trending. How cute.

Liam: "I'm scared I'm gonna hurt you!" He pouted. You shook your head. "Li, I do this nearly everyday so I promise it won't hurt, okay?" He sighed. "Fine, but I will stop if I hurt you!" You smiled and he started lining your waterline with the black pencil. "See?" You smiled. When you were finished, you didn't look half bad, just a few wobbly lines here and there. "When did you become so good at this?" "I sometimes watch you d your make up... Is tha bad?" You smiled before kissing him. "You're too cute, you are." "Thanks for watching! Me and (YN) will so some more tags later in the week !" You both waved by and you clicked the camera off. "Now lets gets this crap off your face because you look beautiful with out it." You smiled and followed his orders. Sweetest, boyfriend, ever.

Louis: He knew exactly what he was doing. Having 4 sisters was great practice and watching you do yours was too. "Okay, now we're gonna apply some mascara to make her eyelashes a nice thick- erm, way? I don't how to explain it, but I think you get the idea!" He laughed, applying the make up. "See Louis, having sisters isn't that bad! You know exactly what to do. Oh and a shoutout to the Tomlinson sisters, I love you girls!" You smiled, watching as Louis applied the finishing touches. "TAH-dah!" He laughed. "I look gorgeous, thank you!" You laughed too, in a fake posh accent. "Oh me too me dear, your welcome!" He joked. When the video was finally done and posted all the could trend was #(YN)Tomlinson. How adorable the fans are.

Niall: "Niall! He careful, I do not want to be blind after this!" You joked, slight seriousness in your voice. "Fine, see this is why I didn't want to this. I might hurt you babe!" He pestered. "No, now keep going." "Okay, now suck your cheeks in." You did so and he added, "that's not the only good thing she's good at sucking" and winking. You gasped and hit his chest. He finished everything and you looked horrendous. "Well.. You tried love. Pay more attention when I'm doing my make up!" "But you look gorgeous without it! Why would I even want to watch you out on something you look pretty without?" You blushed kissing him and it soon turned into a make out session. Only you guys were on twitcam and not on video, so you stopped and said, "We gotta go, we'll do more later! Byeeee!" Before slamming the laptop shut and carrying on. But you stopped again. "Whyyy?" "This if your punishment for embarrassing me infront of loads of people!" He groaned as he remembered his choice of words. Later #GetSome(YourShipName) and #redlips(yn) was trending. Cheeky.

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