He Cheats On You( Part 1- Niall)

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He Cheats On You( Part 1- Niall)

Niall: It was a long day, you were ready to come home to see your loving boyfriend. You had been dating for a year and you trusted him with everything. He was everything you wanted in a guy. Today you were super excited since you got a promotion at work today. You got home and took of your shoes and coat, setting your keys and phone on the counter. You walked into the living room to a lot of shuffling noises.
"Ni- oh my god Ni" A girl moaned loudly from room.
You saw Niall under a girl, making out and naked. Your voice was caught in your throat so you said nothing. You were about to leave when he heard you hit the wall. His bright blue eyes opened quickly as he jumped up fast. The girl reacted and threw on her clothes then left. You stood there watching Niall toss on his clothes. The tears were welling in your eyes, but no words left your mouth.
"Princess, I'm so so sorry. I was so stupid and I messed up" He said, but you couldn't reply. You were holding yourself together, you didn't want to breakdown right there.
"Just don't hate me. Please" He begged, he was on his knees in front of where you were standing.
"Just say something please" He said holding your hand within his.
"Anything at all, scream or yell. Just don't shut me out" He was literally crying for your attention.
Finally everything hit you, you got up and grabbed your stuff then left. You heard footsteps behind you and him calling you from behind but you didn't stop.
"Y/N! Come back! Y/N come back!" Niall yelled from behind you. "Princess please don't go "He said as he caught up to you but you shook your head and, kept walking until he finally stopped.
After at least what seemed like hours you ended up at Harry's flat, tears running down your face.
"Y/N? How come- Oh my god what happened?" He asked seeing the mascara running down your face, your red eyes and red cheeks. You shook your head and as he lead you inside the door.
"You don't have to talk, you can talk when you want to" Harry reassured you, you nod but still don't say a word. You ended up in the guest bedroom he had after he gave you some clothes to wear. You just laided on the bed and stared at the ceiling. All the memories from him kept coming back, your first date, your first kiss, the one thing he promised was not to hurt you but he did. And this was in the worst way possible. Your heart felt like it weighed a ton as you turned to face the wall. You heard a quiet knock at the door and soon footsteps followed as the bed dipped.
"Hey love, I heard what happened from Liam. You can stay here as long as you want. I won't tell anyone. I just can't believe this would happen." Harry said as he kissed your forehead in a gentle friendly way. He was like a brotherly figure to you so it didn't bother you. He took another look at you seeing you broken, something he had never seen before.
"Goodnight Y/N" Harry commented before closing the door. The pain and visions of what happened circled throughout your head till you fell asleep crying, the pain untolerable.

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