It's a Bun? Niall Imagine

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It's a Bun?

You stared at your husband as he sat behind his desk. Since he had been promoted you'd hardly been able to see him. Today you had some news to tell him so you thought you'd surprise him at work. He was in the middle of, what sounded like, an important phone call, so you waited by the door.
"No, the totals from last month are wrong and the totals from the month before aren't even there. I need this to be fixed before three today. I don't care how you get it done! If you had fixed it right the first time you wouldn't have to worry about it!" He yelled as he hung up. He rubbed his hands down his face and let out a huge sigh. He still hadn't seen you yet so you decided to speak up.
"Ni?" It came out quieter than you intended, but you had seen him like that before so you were a little hesitant. His eyes immediately snapped to you. A soft smile spread across his face as he saw you and took in your appearance. You were in an oversized sweater, skinny jeans and vans. You looked so small and cuddly. He loved you so much and he couldn't believe you were his.
"Hey, princess. What are you doing here?" He started making his way towards you and you met him halfway. He pulled you into a hug and buried his face in the side of your neck. He pulled back and kissed you.
"I was close by so I thought I'd come see you." Niall looked at you and tilted his head. You were never down by his office.
"You're never down this way, baby. Is something wrong?" He asked worry laced in his voice. You smiled at your worrisome husband.
"Everything is fine, honey, I promise. I just wanted to stop by before I went home. Did you –" You were cut off by his phone ringing..
"Hold that thought, princess." He said as he ran to answer the call.
"Did you get it fixed? What do you mean you can't get it fixed? I need that for the meeting this afternoon!" You stood there for a minute while he yelled at whoever it was over the phone. You decided it was probably best that you left. You waved to get his attention. Once he looked up at you, you pointed toward the door. He nodded and blew you a kiss. You did the same and walked out the door.
When you got home, you sat your purse down on the counter and pulled out the envelope you got at the doctor's office today. You opened it and re-read the paper you had gotten that morning. You were still a little shocked so you had no idea how Niall was going to react.
You hadn't been feeling well for a few days so you decided to go to the doctor to see if it was the flu. Apparently that wasn't why you were feeling under the weather. The doctor came in after they took your blood and told you, you were pregnant. You had all day to think about it and it still hadn't sunk in. Although the more you thought about it the more excited you became.
You sat there for a few more minutes and tried to figure out how to tell your husband. You hoped he would be excited, too. You hadn't talked about kids in a while, but you both knew you wanted kids. You knew Niall would be a wonderful dad. You could see him running around with your son trying to teach him how to play soccer, or football as he says. You could also see him with your little girl, sitting with her while she had a tea party with her stuffed animals.
Your thought were interrupted by your phone ringing. You dug around in your purse for it, once you found it you saw it was your husband.
"Hey, baby." You said as you answered the call,
"Hey, princess. I'm gonna be late tonight." You sighed as he said that. He was always late anymore. He was never home before ten.
"Okay." You said and he could hear the disappointment in the one word. He hated coming home late to you but with his new job came more responsibility and more work.
"I'm sorry, love. You know I'd come home right now if I could." You nodded even though he couldn't see you. Tears were in your eyes and you didn't even know why. Stupid hormones.
"It's okay, Ni. I understand." Your voice broke at the end of your sentence and he made his heart break.
"Princess –" He started but you cut him off.
"Really, Ni it's okay. I'll leave your dinner in the stove so it'll stay warm, yeah? Be safe coming home tonight. I love you." You said with a wobbly voice. Hormones seriously sucked. Niall sighed and rubbed his eyes.
"Yeah, okay I will. I love you, princess." He said and you hung up. You dried your eyes and made dinner, which took most of the afternoon since you had to find something that didn't make you gag.. You made Niall a plate and left it in the stove, while you took yours into the living room and put a movie on.
You were halfway through the movie when you heard the front door open. You looked at the clock on the wall it was barely eight o'clock. You turned and saw Niall standing in the doorway of the living room.
"What are you doing home? I thought you were going to be late?" You asked as you picked up your now empty plate and took it to the kitchen.
"I was, but I decided to finish up in the morning." He said. You nodded, you knew that meant he would just go in earlier.
"If I had known you were coming home, I would've waited." You said as you got his supper out of the stove. You sat it one the counter as he made his way to you. He wrapped you up in his arms and kissed your nose, which resulted in a small smile and giggle, from you.
"It's fine, princess. Are you okay?" He asked referring to earlier on the phone. You nodded and squeezed him a little tighter.
"I'm okay, no worries. I am going to go up and shower though." You said and kissed him before you started upstairs. Niall still thought something was up though. You had never cried before when he said he had to work late, and the only time you showed up at his office was when he would forget something.
He shook his head and grabbed his plate off the counter. When he did he noticed an envelope next to your purse. He heard the shower start and decided he'd look and see what it was. He read on the front that it was from the doctor's office. This immediately worried him, but when he looked inside there was nothing inside. He looked around your purse and found nothing. This worried him even more, but he also knew that if something was wrong you would tell him.
He took his dinner and sat at the table. He tried eating but he couldn't. He kept staring at the counter where the envelope sat.
He must have sat there staring longer than he thought because the next thing he knew you were standing in front of him. he looked up and saw you with wet hair in sweats and one of his t-shirts.
"Did you not like it?" You asked as you saw Niall's barely touched plate. Quickly he shook his head.
"No, love it's wonderful. Just a lot on my mind is all." You just nodded and started to put the rest of dinner away. He wanted to ask about the doctor but you hadn't said anything yet and he didn't want to pry. Surely if something was wrong you would tell him.
"Are you sure everything is all right, love?" He asked later that night when you all were in bed. You raised your head from the spot on his chest to look at him.
"Everything is fine, honey. Why?" Niall hesitated unsure if he should say anything, but his worry for you won out over letting it be.
"I saw an envelope from the doctor's office on the counter." He said and you hoped your eyes didn't go too wide. You wanted to surprise him and you weren't ready to do that just yet.
"Yeah, I went for a check up, no big deal." You said with, what you hoped was, an easy smile. That made him feel a little better but he also knew there was something you weren't telling him. He let it go, though, knowing you would tell him soon enough.
Three days later you had everything ready. Niall would be coming home early today since he only had an early meeting this morning. You busied yourself with laundry and other chores to pass the time.
A couple hours later you heard the front door open and then heard your husband set his briefcase. He walked into the kitchen where you were. You turned to him and walked over to where he was. He brought you into a hug.
"Hey, love." He said and kissed you.
"Hey, yourself." You giggled.
"I'm going to change and then we'll cuddle and watch movies the rest of the day. Sound okay?" He asked. You nodded and kissed his cheek. He let you go and stepped around you to go change.
"Before you do though, could you get something out of the oven for me?" You asked.
"Of course, princess." You watched him walk over to the stove. "What did you make?"
"You'll see." You said with a smile. Niall opened the oven door and stopped. He grabbed what was in the oven and turned to you.
"It's a bun?" He said unsure of where this was going.
"Yeah..." You trailed off. He continued to look at you confused.
"It's a bun. Why would you put a bun in the o–" He stopped and looked at you. It all fell into place. Tears started to well in his eyes. "Sweetheart, a bun in the oven? Are you pregnant?" You nodded with tears in your eyes. The tears started making their way down Niall's face.
"Yeah, I found out the day I stopped by to see you." You said and he ran over to you and picked you up, spinning you around. He sat you down gently and led you into the living room. He made you lay on the couch and he settled himself between your legs so he was level with your tummy. He lifted up your shirt and kissed right above your belly button.
"I can't wait to meet you, little love. Neither can your momma. Go easy on her yeah?" He said as he kissed your belly again. That's how the rest of the night went. You both laying on the couch while Niall talked to tiny baby in your belly.
Feel free to ask me any questions and I'll answer them all!

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