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Harry: Drifting, weightless; Waves try to break it; I'd do anything to save it; Why is it so hard to say it?

You and Harry were coming up on your one year anniversary. It had been a rollercoaster year of tabloid gossip while you were separated by continents and oceans. For the most part, you were able to brush it all off; however, deep down it took a toll on you. As much as he yelled and cursed reporters for trying to tear his life apart, never once did publicly defend your relationship. When he knew you were especially worn down with worrying about what people thought and dealing with the looks of pity in public, he arranged for extravagant gifts for you. All he really wanted to do was scream his love and devotion for you in the middle of a busy street and post similar professions on his social media accounts. Harry admitted to you on multiple occasions that he was terrified you would 'come to your senses' and flee him for a normal life. He just wished it were possible to deny each and every false claim without fear of missing one that people would then assume was true. Until he came up with something better, his current methods would have to do.

Liam: Cause when I'm not with you I'm weaker; Is that so wrong? Is it so wrong; That you make me strong?

Liam was the most self-conscious member of the band. It came from years of being bullied and feeling like an outcast at school. He doubted his voice and talent. He was genuinely surprised and doubtful when a fan told him that he was her favorite. It sometimes bled into your relationship when he acted like your were doing him a favor by agreeing to date him. It made you crazy that he put himself down and couldn't see how amazing he was, and you always made sure he knew just how in love with him you are. He wished he could keep you on tour with him all the time. You made him feel important. You helped him be strong enough to ignore any hate that came his way. When he was away from you too long, he found himself more easily affected by it all. He made sure to bring you out for visits as much as possible, and you always made time for trips to make sure your boyfriend was well reminded of how many people adored him.

Louis: So many words we're not saying; Don't wanna wait 'til it's gone; You make me strong

You and Louis had been best friends since before he was part of the band. Close friends and both your families liked to joke that you should just get married and get it over with. You both laughed off their suggestions but secretly wondered if there could be more. Things never seemed to fall into place for the possibility of dating until the band's hiatus. Louis stole you after the holidays for what he called a 'friendcation'. There were seven of you total on the trip. You somehow ended up sharing a room with Louis, which really wasn't a big deal as you frequently shared a bed. Louis' problem was that he realized he wanted more from your relationship and couldn't wait any longer to tell you. He wasn't going to risk letting another man steal you from him. You had just crawled into bed after your second day when Louis gently pulled your face to his for a kiss. It became the moment your bond became stronger than ever–realizing what had been there all along.

Niall: I'm sorry if I say 'I need you'; But I don't care; I'm not scared of love

Niall scheduled his knee surgery for when you were off from school. He'd come home from his doctor's appointment a bit nervous at what it was all turning into. You soothed away his fears, keeping your nerves buried deep. He made you promise to be with him in the days leading up to and those following the operation. He didn't hesitate to tell you how much he needed you there with him; it didn't make him feel like less of a man to want you there. You held him close the night before, rubbing his back and softly humming the lullaby your mom sang to you as a child to force him to sleep despite his nerves. You were with him that day until the moment he went through the door to the operating room and were the first person he saw when he woke up. He leaned on you, figuratively and literally, in the days following as he adjusted to news ways of doing things. Niall knew how much he loved you and wasn't afraid to be vulnerable with you.

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