Chapter 2

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Percy's POV

"Annabeth I don't care. You cheated on me I don't think I can handle that."

" But perce what about everything we've been through...

"No I can't do this anymore. I think we Should break up."

[time skipz yay]

I haven't kept track of the time. it's probably been about 2-3 days i don't know. I haven't gone outside I've skipped school and now I'm gonna have a lot of work to do yay( I'm such a girl).

Annabitch hurt me. ( like my nickname)

It was about 4 days ago and I was walking to annbeths appartment and I just walked in since it was unlocked and I see piper and Annabeth making out on the couch. I ran out like the little girl I am.

Ever since I broke up with Annabeth I've been lying in bed eating blue ice cream and watching netflix.

I decided I needed some sleep so I cried myself to sleep.

[time skip because sleepy time ]

The next morning I got dressed and brushed my teeth. I didn't fix my hair, it's not like I'm trying to impress anyone. I didn't bother to eat breakfast I was too upset so I just hopped in the car and drove to school.

[ pretend percy is a senior]

As I walked down the hall I noticed this sophomore sitting on the hall floor reading the maze runner. I think I've seen the boy before but I can't remember. what was his name pico, Nicky , nico.

That's what it was nico.

I turned and looked at the boy he looked up at me and blushed. "That's a good book, so I've heard."I said

"Yeah I guess."nico said as he glanced up at me.

Nico was so cute when he was all shy. wait did I just call nico cute?!? I'm not gay at least I'm pretty sure I'm not.

"Earth to percy." nico said waking me from my trance

"Oh sorry"

"I'll see you in class?"nico said

"Yeah. "I quickly responded. " wait nico."

"Yes perce."

" "

"Iwaswonderingifyouwantedtohangoutlater?" I said really fast, slurring my words.

"Huh?" nico said looking puzzled.

" I was wondering if u wanted to hang out later?"I said slower so he could understand me.

"Sure" nico said blushing.

[ question:

Nico read the maze runner have u guys read or seen the maze runner?

Bonus: if so give me a rating 1-10

-thx cece]

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