part ten

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Everyone covered their ears as high-pitched laughter made it's way through, except for Marvin. He remained levitated without a single movement. The person who was originally next to him, finally came out of the fog. What was he carrying, you suppose? Well, there was a pair of arms and legs hanging, so it must be a human. The person had facial hair, mostly a moustache, so it's obviously a man. What he's wearing is probably those oldies costumes; a simple vest and bowler hat. Wait, a bowler hat-

"Jameson?!" Mark shouted.

JM ran to them, but Marvin instantly shot his green flame to form a barrier around the three of them. JM reclined in order to not get burned. At about the same moment, Mark had instinct of running towards him but, he had a glimpse of the face of the person carrying him(this sentence istg). The person's eyes were pitch black and his mouth was hanging open. His skin tone was as pale as Darkiplier's. Mark's small but strong heart seemed to beat faster, demanding to escape. Mark stayed frozen still, staring at this person, tears forming. For a guy, you can tell he's a whiner. Mark whispered something under his breath but it was so inaudible that no one heard it. The laughter was very close now. A loud voice came after that.

"I'm sorry, could you please repeat? My small ears couldn't quite catch that," the voice said. Mark jumped a little from his tiny trance and started looking around.

"Finding for me, I presume? Guess you have to search HARDER!" it shouted. Right after that, JM went flying backwards and landed on his spine. Mark stared in shock at JM as he laid motionless on the muddy ground.

"I know it's you, Anti! Come out if you want a real fight!" Mark said, gaining courage.

"Well, if you say so, hehehe!" A knife was shot through the fog, almost hitting Mark's thigh. When he looked up, he saw him. The person at fault for all this trouble. Green hair, black outfit, everything. Mark stood, both feet on the ground, with his hands clenched tightly. Marvin suddenly teleported right behind Mark and shot one of his balls towards him. He almost dodged it, but it hit him by his shoulder. He winced but he actually regained his strength fast enough to fight back. When the fire went towards him, it was as if he absorbed it, instead of taking his damage, and it made him stronger. He grinned and cracked his neck, green aura surrounding him.

"It's go time."

And the battle began. Mark charged towards Anti, clashing fist against knives and magic. Anti took the first strike. He went shooting his endless supply of knives towards Mark's head to his torso but Mark successfully dodged them all, with his new found source of energy. Marvin shot another ball, not learning his previous lesson and Mark took it in. Now he felt stronger and was way more agile. Time seemed to slow down. Mark ran to Anti's area, raised his arms and slammed them to the ground, causing the earth to break and fly in all directions. Time was normal again, but Anti could be seen gliding in the air and landing on a tent that wasn't burnt down. Him, already angry and glitching mad, got up quick and ran knife first towards Mark. But by the time he took another step, Mark was gone.

"Yoo hoo, glitchy ass! I'm here!" Mark said, waving on top of a water tower. Anti grunted and thought of another plan. He went for the rickety pillars of the water tank and started shooting at them, one by one. Mark, finally realising that JM was actually right below the tank, used his temporary super speed to the bottom, picking him up in the process.

"Brooo, you gotta wake up now man! I'm fucking alone here!" Mark kept tapping both of his cheeks gently but quickly as Anti approached them, "Argh, this will never wake him."

Mark thought up of an idea. Since Marvin's magic enabled super speed and strength, it could possibly mean there's telepathy too, right? He knew he scolded JM because of this but he did it anyway. He tried to speak to JM through his mind and, surprisingly, it worked. JM shot straight up, eyes widened, but was next hit by a flying air horn from Anti.

"Fucking bullshit! Ya childish or what, Anti?! I will not let myself miss all the action just because of tiny items, ya shithead!" JM cursed. Anti snarled at him and went back to Mark. JM ran towards Marvin and tried to imprison him with rope from the tents with his super speed. Green lightning was seen surrounding Marvin and after probably five seconds, he was tied tightly from neck to feet. As he tried to struggle free, JM noticed something. His fiery green aura was already quite faint and his lighting stopped zapping around himself. JM saw a slight crack on his cat mask, from his eye hole to his left ear. He was too weak. JM was about to walk away from him. With all his might, Marvin grabbed him by the hoodie and JM yelled a loud "FUCK!" while turning towards him.

"Help us. Find the bunker," Marvin said.

And with that he lost his green power and crumpled to the ground.

a/n: hello nice people of wattpad! i'm sorry again for writing this a month later and i have more bad news. the next part won't come any sooner because of my end of year exams so yea again i'm so very sorry ! i'll write a better one after my exams so hope you can wait:)

Glitched. || JSE and Markiplier alter ego storyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora