part 7

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I am sorry for the previous part really. I'm sure it was an unnecessary chapter but well, what's done is done. This one's a bit interesting as it is in Jack's POV. I'm trying to write as best as I can so bear with me, alrighty? Only Dark and Anti's dialogues will be bolded so try not to be confused with mine. From now on I will name the chapters from numbers as I think it is faster. Anyways, enjoy!

The ringing in my head just couldn't stop from all the teleporting. One blink and you're probably on the other side of the world. The moment I open my eyes, I felt like shutting them back. Two Marks was what I saw. Was it a hallucination? I couldn't be seeing double, right? I called out Mark's name and both heads swerved to me. It was awkward at first as one, I couldn't see properly and two, how can both of them have the same name? That's when I saw one of them pulsing red and blue rays. Obviously, it's that fucking traitor.

"Ah, Jack. Glad to see you're awake," Dark said, "And, uh, here's your glasses. It fell when we brought you here."

He passed them to me and I quickly put it on. There I saw Darkiplier and another Mark who wore a blue shirt with a huge 'G' on it. Weird part was that he kept glitching around every time he moved. Reminded me of someone though. I looked around and saw some medical shit so I came to a conclusion that I am in some kind of hospital. I tried to get up but it seems like I have been strapped down onto a metal table. I could see my heart rate increase on the BPM monitor as I started struggling.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps. The surgery room, which I think is where I am now, was quite large so it was echoey. The huge, metal door started to creak open. I started clutching onto the metal table. The door finally opened and guess what? It was another Mark. But in a full doctor's suit. How many more Marks are there going to be in here? He walked up to me and hanged his head above me. I almost stifled a laugh though as he looked so stupid in the costume. But he said something only Mark will joke about and to me, I think it was a joke. And that also wanted to make me laugh. This was what he said:

"I'm sorry, you're dying."

I mean, come on. It has to be a joke, right? No one would ever say that to a person who was still healthy. But seriously though, is he joking? As if Dark could read my mind, he nudged the doctor and said, "Stop saying that, you're scaring him." Then he said something I couldn't hear. The twitchy Mark was not communicating at all. Wonder why. I felt something wriggling in my shirt pocket. It was quite uncomfortable though. I saw a slimy green line flipped out of my pocket and I realised that it was my little mascot. Why is he here? Better still, how did he get here?(do you have 90 minutes?) I blew his green cord back into my pocket. It took me a few hard blows to get him in. His life is too important to me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" the blue shirt Mark finally spoke out. That made me jump. With all his glitching voices and actions, he could probably make a small child cry. Me, being a childish idiot, I shouted "nothing!" to them three.

"We'll see about that. Hehehe!" a voice boomed from the speakers. But I didn't think it was the speakers. It didn't sound so physical. It... it had an Irish accent, like me! But it was creepier and with a bit of static every now and then. Again, I 'jumped' in my uncomfortable state. Fucking hell, I am a huge coward, aren't I? But that voice... It sounded way too familiar. A black shadow from outside was walking towards the door, probably the person who spoke. My heart thumped against my chest. The lights switched off for a second and the moment they went back on, I was jump-scared by a terrifying face, with two arms trapping me. It was smiling at me, with its teeth pointy and black pupils staring through my soul. The worst part yet, he looked just like me. Yep, not joking. It was absolutely petrifying to see this than playing an actual horror game.

"Why hello, dearest Jack! What a pleasure to finally meet you, yet again. Now, I know what you did earlier and don't you worry, little Sam will have a new friend very soon, heehee!" My face started to flush as pale as Darkiplier. Numerous memories of this person started coming back. Almost all of them were bad. Soon, the picture started to come clearer and his name could be heard countless times, ringing in my head. I looked at the person and whispered his name under my breath, "Antisepticeye".

"That's right, buddy boy! Glad you remembered. It's so good to be back, and I thank you for this. Oh, we are going to have so much fun!"

Glitched. || JSE and Markiplier alter ego storyWhere stories live. Discover now