long walks

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Hellooo everyone! Another part is finally here! So, the topic is on walking. How much lamer could it get? Next chapter would be much better don't ya worry. Note: my italics don't work on mobile, so I'll bold them out instead. Anyways, enjoy! ~snow out!

Long walks. What could they do though? You could build relationships better, as partners or just friends. You could even be healthier. Sometimes just for fun or when you feel down a little. Conversations. No matter how long or short they are, they could be very memorable, depending if it was positive or negative. That's what the Youtuber and the superhero was about to do but first:

Mark was shouting. Like really loudly. Ranting on about how he hates carnivals so much. Although, stereotypically, people would love the carnival. The games and rides, they couldn't get enough of it. But for Mark, all he thinks of are the clowns there. Yes, a lot of movies or stories are based on clowns being the bad guy, either possessed or just demonic looking, so you may think he is scared of them because of those. But no. The time he went to the carnival, which was literally called 'Clown Carnival', was just a scary experience for him. I'm not going to tell that story though as it's just as boring as the previous flashback.

JM searched frantically for his things; many of which weren't his. Most were Jack's. Since Jack left(which was a whole five minutes), there was an empty feeling inside of him, as if a part of him was taken out. Having the power of super speed and keen hearing, it just made him the best hero anyone's ever seen, and it made him brave. Now, with his maker gone, his powers just started to worn out. Sometimes, it just went out of control. The main problem now is that he couldn't have courage so easily, even when people gave him encouragement. He just couldn't. Maybe one day, he'll be himself again.

"Bro! Seá-uh, Jackieboy! Ya done?!" Mark called from the door.

"C-coming!" JM replied. He was running all over the small cabin, looking for something he doesn't remember what. After a minute, he went to the door, not getting the item he was finding for. Mark and JM finally made eye contact. Not romantically, of course. Mark took out a blue item, which looked like a blindfold but there are eyeholes on it. He smiled, eyebrow up. JM gasped and quickly grabbed it. Remembering his manners, he gave his thanks to Mark while putting it on.

"No problem buddy. You left it on the bench," Mark sympathetically said.

"Oh! So that's the reason why I couldn't see properly." Mark sighed and slapped his forehead. Dumbass, he thought to himself but he was grinning, he's just like Jack. Mark told JM that they should leave as dawn's about to break. Although the destination they were going to was the last place Mark wanted to be in, he lead the way anyways. While walking, JM was asking a lot of questions until he didn't know what to talk about. Funny, JM was.


"Yeah, man?"

"You remind me of one of my best friends."

"Oh! Really?"

"Yeah. The way you talk and joke around, it just reminded me of Chase."

Mark didn't know what to say. He has never heard of anyone named Chase in his life. He kept quiet, but also felt bad for not replying. He thought that he should know. Right now, he regarded JM as a younger brother. It's like having a five-year-old Jack who just sweared a lot. Having a twin brother made him a lot more sociable. Thinking of his brother just made him mad again. Don't worry, he wasn't ranting. He just had a tinge of the feeling.

"So, what do you think of Jack?" Mark asked.

"AWESOME. But it's just weird to see your own maker, ya know?"

"Oh, I see. Where were you from anyways?"

"From Jack's computer," JM said. Mark's eyebrows was knitted in a way that he was basically confused. The computer huh, he thought.

"Were there others with you? As in the egos?"

"Yeah. We live in our digitalised house, except for the turtle, heheh..."

"Turtle? Wha- Oh the joke. It was going around the internet for a while."

"Yep. That's the reason why he fucking hates us so much. And so he moved out and got to another digitalised house."

Mark was extremely confused. This was just a little too much to take in. Was there a world in technology? How were they able to survive? It just didn't make any sense. JM realised how quiet Mark was and questioned him. Mark just went on bringing all his thoughts out of his mouth.

"To clarify your doubts, we, as in the egos, are from parts of Jack. For example, me, where he unleashed his geeky super side. And, if he needed one of us-"

"He'll just call you out! Ah, that's smart," Mark said. Then two images of Googleplier and the King of Squirrels came up into his mind. All the egos he made were just acted by himself, not from the computer. How did they even come here? Darkiplier was not included as he was his brother, but again, how? Mark eventually left that thought behind as he was quite sure these kind of situations will make him pull his hair out. He and JM suddenly stopped walking.

There were two paths. They were well separated, trees making a long clear route. And to make things even more suspicious, there were two signs, one stating 'here' and the other, 'there'.

"What is this, Wonderland? Who even had the right mind to even put 'here' and 'there'? Anyways, do you know where to go, Mark?" JM asked, frustrated with his arms on his waist. Mark was mainly offended as he and his brother were the ones who made the path, right from scratch, with some help of course. It was a stupid idea but they did it anyways. Although Mark was quite angry with JM, he had to keep in mind that they can't separate. Worst case scenario is that Anti captures JM, and there would be no changing him back. It was his responsibility now to take care of any ego he encountered, especially Jack's ones. He'll be so disappointed if he lost one of them.

"Hey, let's set up camp here! I'm certainly sure we are close by," As soon as Mark said that, JM started going in the direction of the sign saying 'here'. Mark started calling JM to come back but it seemed like he was in some kind of trance. JM started glowing green and Mark knew that that was not a good sign. He saw time slowing down but he was able to move normally, not slowly. JM was about to do his sonic dash, but surprisingly, Mark popped out right next to him and was able to stop him. Time moved normally again.

"Wait. What the fuck just happened? Mark? How did you get here?" JM asked, eyes wide open.

"I was trying to stop you! I told you we were camping and you walked to 'here'!"

"Oh well, I'm sorry then. But wasn't I using my super speed?"

"Uh yeah. Then I stopped y- hold on. How did I get here?"

"Oh my gosh, you got super powers bro?"

"I don't know. Let's just forget about this alright?" Mark exclaimed. They were quite close to the end of the road already and saw bright colourful lights. There was a huge, luminous sign saying, 'Welcome to Clown Carnival!'.

"B-but 'there' was supposed to be the correct route! Why did this turn all fucking scary now?" JM felt the fear from Mark and suddenly just went back to himself again. Well, that might just be the reason but this could possibly be temporary but who knows?

"Fear not, buddy Mark! Jackieboy-Man is back in Jacktion!" JM screamed, but his expression changed to anxiety again, "Maybe."

Sorry had to put that there. And this part came a little early eh? Honestly I wanted to write them in the carnival already but I don't really like time skips. I'm sorry for making JM a little bit of a scaredy boy. Anyway like always, until next time! ~snow out!

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