the flashback

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Hiya! I'm back! I know it's been days since I uploaded and I apologize. This part is gonna be a bit, um, weird? Sad? Well I don't know. Pick a word to describe it. Anyways, enjoy!~ Snow out!

Mark called to sit by the fire in a lovely circle. The wind was back now, which means Dark has broken the loop. Jack was shivering from head to toe because of the cold winter air. JM was just sitting quietly while warming himself.

"Here. Have my jacket, Ja-Sean. You'll feel better," Mark said with a smile, wrapping Jack in his fuzzy jacket. In return, Jack gave him a wide smile and thanked him. Dark gave a raised eyebrow while straightening his tie. Mark giggled a bit, until he finally remembered that he was supposed to tell the story. That was when he realized something.

"Hey Dark! Could you do the magic instead? Please? Pretty please??" he begged his twin brother, giving him the doggy face. Dark rolled his eyes and sighed, causing white mist to form. He made himself comfortable and cleared his throat, his red and blue rays shining brighter every time he did it.

"Alright, fine. I'll do it," Dark replied, already getting ready. Sam and Tim propped themselves on their owners' respective laps, next to each other. Mark was fidgeting in his seat. Jack kept reassuring Jackieboy-Man that there would be no jumpscares while the story was being told. Dark cleared his throat again to alert the rest that the story was about to start. He waved his hand, neon purple wisps leaked out of it, until everyone saw nothing but black. Dark disappeared into the darkness. JM clutched onto Jack so tightly, he could feel him trembling with fear.

"Everyone, please, sit down, relax and enjoy the show. I will warn you now that it's gonna be real sad." Dark's voice boomed. He snapped his fingers and slowly, a lovely house isolated in a grassy field came into view. It looked like a movie but the only thing that was different is that you could feel the warm wind drifting across your face. Jack heaved a sigh of relief as JM started to let go of him.

As they were 'approaching' the little house, they saw two small boys, no younger than ten, coming out of the front door. A woman, to what seems like their mother, was hanging out the laundry. The pale boy whispered to his brother. He nodded his head and they ran happily towards the woods.

"Be careful out there, dears!" their mother said, not knowing the danger of what could happen in there. The twins went to the heart of the forest, where the biggest tree was. For almost a month, they had been trying to build a treehouse. Now, from the looks of it, they look quite finished.

"After you Mark!"

"No, after you!"

"Haha okay, fine," the pale skinned twin replied. Just looking at him, he seems like a special boy. A small brown box was seen on the shoulder of the light skinned brother. He gave the pale twin a thumbs up as he stared up the staircase they made to their treehouse. He took a deep breath and climbed. His brother, Mark, followed him behind. After a few minutes, they were already about ten feet off the ground.

Suddenly. the whole scene went into slow motion and the pale brother was the main focus. The moment the weight of his body rested onto the next step, the piece of wood broke, shards flying in all directions. Everyone, Jack, Mark and JM, watched him fall slowly, gasping at the sight. Dark kept a straight face. Young Mark was holding out his arm to catch his brother but it was too late. He was already halfway to the ground. The impact was huge. Loud snaps of bones were heard. Time continued moving normally. Small Mark hurried down the brittle steps, caring not for is safety, but only his brother. He let his tiny brown box jump out of his pocket to see him.

"Bro! Oh my god, please stay alive. I'll bring you to Mom alright?!" Being the protective brother, he scooped his only sibling up, no problem, and made a beeline towards their home with the tiny brown box on top of him. Tears fell as he ran. He kept saying 'sorry' and 'it should've been me' over and over under his breath.

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