the forest(part 1)

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A few hours has passed, not a single person in sight. Many fled when the crash happened. Jack, Mark and JM have found an abandoned cabin in a forest, just in time to watch the sun set. Luckily for the two best friends, there were exactly two king sized beds inside. Huh, Jack thought, weird. Mark searched for logs for the fire while Jack rolled out his sleeping bag for Jackieboy-Man. After a long wait for Mark to come back, all of them huddled together by the fire.

Night has fallen. It was a full moon tonight. The stars were shining bright. However, it was way too quiet. Not even a single hoot of an owl nor a buzz of a fly. A swish of the wind was just enough to make the vigilante afraid. Darkness and the quiet were his biggest phobias. Jack shuddered as the cold winter air passed by.

Breaking the silence, a piece of branch was snapped. It happened too fast for anyone to see what caused it. Instinctively, everyone else rose up with whatever object they could find. Another snap was heard. This time, it was closer. Having the power of super speed and keen hearing, JM grabbed Mark and Jack, and ran to another safe spot. What he realized is that he kept passing by the same cabin.

"Haha. You could keep going, you know? If you'd like. You'll just keep coming back to the same fucking spot, over and over," a voice said, ringing in JM's head. It felt like it was enchoing through the woods instead of just staying directly in his mind.

"Uh g-guys? D-did you h-hear th-that?" JM stuttered. Both Youtubers nodded with a frightened look. They looked amazingly awkward when JM carried them. More laughter was heard, louder this time. It was really close now. JM looked to his left and right. He saw nothing. Then, it hit him that he had forgotten that he had left his superhero glasses in the cabin. Two rays, blue and red, were outlining to what seems like a person, walking towards the three of them. They were all frozen in their tracks, which none of them have now as it's just a whole loop.

"Shit. I know where this is heading. How could I be so stupid? It's my fucking twin bro. Who else could it be?" Mark said, with an expression so dense. The person was right in front of them now.

"Ah, what did I say about name calling brother? No matter. It's good that you recognise me. And of course, you would remember that trick I did. I could see you brought some friends?", the person said, with a grin. He wore a two piece black ad white suit and literally had black mascara circles around his eyes. Jack kept looking back and forth from Mark to the mysterious man.

"Um, who are you? Are you one of Marks egos?"

"Jack, it's best not to answer that here but anyway, I'll tell. Here. Meet my twin brother-"

"Call me Darkiplier. It's a pleasure meeting you," the person said with a short head bow,"I am not one of my brothers egos but I am a whole person, or a human being as you may call it. And uh, you with the pajamas, would you please put them down? I think it would be much comfortable for them."

JM put Jack and Mark down as gently as he could. Sam and Tim emerged from inside their owners shirts. Dark looked unwittingly surprised. He pointed to the tiny box and asked if he could hold Tim.

"Oh it's been years since I last saw you! After that incident I guess."

"What incident? Mark, you didn't even tell me you had a twin brother and now your brother says that something happened? You can't keep secrets like this from me Mark! Not now!" Jack screamed pushing Mark in the chest. Birds in their nests flew away noisily. Squirrels scuttled from branch to branch. JM ran behind Mark, quivering in his jumper. Although he was a superhero, not all of them are fearless. Dark kept sticking a simple smirk on his face, like as if he already knew this was going to happen. Or did he?

"Well I'm sorry, this is sorta like a personal thing," Mark explained,"I promised myself to never talk about this ever again but, here I go then."

I'm sorry if it's too short. I was writing this during school hours so I basically had no time. So Darkiplier's being a bit weird, eh? Wonder what the accident was.~ snow out!

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