the forest(part 2)

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So I've been down a lot lately and I was unable to write nor think of the future the parts of the story. The amount of homework is just tremendous and the tests are coming in fast. I know I might just be exaggerating but this year is an important year to me. I'm sorry if you were waiting for this part to come since two weeks ago. I did not abandon this story and will not until i finish it. I enjoy writing this story and just looking at the amount of people who has read this, it just warms my heart. Although people who read the first part may have seen only a third of it, I'm just happy that people from around the world has read this story, among the other hundreds. Thank you so much! Like I promised, here's the next part:D ~snow out!

It was midnight. The full moon could easily be seen through the leaves of the trees. Only the hoots of a single owl could be heard. Everyone was still in their still positions. Looking at their state, Dark made a small concerning laugh while placing his hand on the back of his neck. He moved a bit.

"Um, sorry. I didn't know it will be this bad," Dark said, "Why don't we go to sleep, yes? It's a big day tomorrow!"

Everyone nodded their heads with a mixture of sadness and fear while getting out of their seats. Dark felt bad for telling them too much information about him. He didn't realise how sensitive they all were, especially his own brother. He told the rest he would be on a lookout in case there's any danger. But was there any danger? He closed the cabin door and left the campsite. In a minute or so, he was already deep in the forest. It was a pitch black night, chilly but no wind. He couldn't even see the trees, though it was arguable that he is near them. He held one of them to be sure he was still in the woods. That one tree disappeared in a pixelated way, from the point where he touched it. He knew something or someone was here. He looked around, not a single living object in sight, until a man popped into view, right in front of him. He had sky blue hair and wore a shirt of the same colour with a single 'G', outlining it in red and blue like Dark. He was smiling creepily with his head halfway bowed down, glitching every second. His rectangular glasses gleamed at the bright moonlight.

"HhhhELlOO, DdddArKkkk," the person said.

"Google? What the fuck are you doing here? You're supposed to go with the plan!"

"ChHHhhHAnGEeeSsS. AAAaanti hAs seEEnTt mEeE tO tEeeLL yyyoU."

"Okay sure. But please, switch off your glitches. It's getting on my nerves," Google let out a big huff and folded his arms. He made some angry murmuring noises while staring at Dark which made him raise his eyebrow.

"DeEEactivate malfunction mmMode," Google requested, saying it in a deep and irritated tone. He continued glaring at Dark but he didn't care. He has gone through this many times so he knew what to do.

Dark started waving his arms around, purple wisps emerging. Soon, the trees couldn't be seen any longer and all the sound was cut off.

"Smart move Darkieboy."

"Shut up, Google."

"Whatever. Anti wanted me to tell you that he changed his mind. He wants his double instead." Google said harshly, with a hint of fear.

"Jack? What for?"

"Ah, you should know by then."

"So what's the instructions?"

"Distract him. Do it later, when you reach the camp. I'll teleport him back to base."

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