road trips be like- peter parker

Start from the beginning

"I have to agree with you on that," you shrugged. "If I'm recalling things correctly, the last thing they were arguing over was whether the milk went first or the cereal."

"Cereal," he and Peter said in unison.

"Buck said he doesn't eat cereal with milk, and Sam said milk first."

"That is an unforgivable sin."

"Exactly my point! But they wouldn't listen."

"Alright, buckle up, everyone," Steve called from the driver's seat at the front. "Let's go."

For the first 40 minutes of the car ride, everyone was silent, all doing their own thing.

"...And as I was saying earlier, milk first. Who the hell eats cereal without milk?"

"And who puts milk first? Actually, why do people even like milk? It tastes like breast pee!" Bucky grumbled, crossing his arms.

"It does not, idiot. And no. The milk does not splash everywhere. Most of the time, at least."

"Breast pee."

"Milk before cereal!"

Steve sighed at the two bickering men, turning on the radio and soft, relaxing tunes began to play, drifting throughout the van. It seemed to calm them down relatively quickly, as it fell silent within seconds, casting a happy, relaxed aura onto everyone. Instead of moaning and groaning now, the team was all excited, quietly talking about what was going to happen once you'd arrived at your destination.

You glanced out the window and watched the buildings pass by in a blur.

Suddenly, you felt someone's eyes on you so you turned back around to find Peter looking at you with an almost dazed sort of look.

"Earth to Peter!" you laughed, waving a hand in front of his face."You there?"

"Oh yeah, sorry," he rubbed a hand against his forehead, blinking several times. "I must've just spaced out."

"This is quite entertaining watching two children fall hopelessly in love with each other and be so oblivious to the other person's feelings," Thor chuckled.

"We don't like each other," you looked over at him, "Peter and I are nothing more than friends. Right, Pete?"

"Oh, yeah. Right. Just friends."

You tried to ignore the slight ache in his chest when he said those words, though.

"Sure you are," your dad turned around briefly to shoot you a knowing look, giving you a wink.


"Hey! Where's my Skittles?" Clint demanded. "They were right by me a minute ago!"

"Sorry," you smiled innocently over at the archer, handing him his box of Skittles back. "I was hungry."

"It's fine. As long as you aren't Natasha and consume the entire box in literally ten seconds without even sharing a single one," he smiled back.

"What?" Natasha narrowed her eyes at him, "Skittles are good."

"And you're not supposed to steal my food like that!"

"Friends buy you food, and best friends eat your food."

"Not a valid argument."

"Well," Sam breathed out, "you guys are all lucky. At least you're not stuck next to someone who thinks that milk tastes like breast pee."

"At least you're not stuck with someone who pours milk before the cereal," Bucky retorted.

"And my neck hurts," you complained, trying to do some neck rolls to ease the tension in your muscles. "I can barely find a comfortable sleeping position here. So everyone, please shut up while I attempt to fall asleep."

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