Chapter 44

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I kept waking up during the night to check up on Lia, but she remained unresponsive, still consumed by the dark part of her mind. I remember how she told me that this could last for days, and I'm worried I won't be able to bring her back like last time. I tried, but nothing worked.

Sometime around noon I take Lia downstairs, settling her on the couch in the living room. I tried to ask her to eat something, but I got no reaction, just like yesterday with the hot milk my mom brought us.

I put the blanket on Lia and adjust her pillow before going to the kitchen with a sigh. I'm met by my parents and the guys sitting at the table with solemn faces as they eat.

"Oh, Blake, you're up. How's Lia?" Mom is the first to notice me and I see she's really worried.

I sigh heavily. "Still the same. I put on a movie for her in the living room, but I don't think she can see it. She's completely shut down and I couldn't get her back." I take my seat at the table and fill my plate. I don't really have much appetite, but I have to eat something and stay strong for Lia.

Right when I'm finished, the doorbell rings. "I'll get it." I say, getting up.

"Mr. Clarke." I don't even try to hide my surprise when I see him. He looks as if he couldn't sleep last night.

"Is Lia here?" He cuts straight to the chase as I let him inside.

"Yeah, she's in the living room, but I have to warn you-" he interrupts me mid-sentence.

"I know. I expected as much. That's why I'm here."

"Good afternoon, Tyson." "Hello, Tyson." My parents greet simultaneously as we enter the kitchen.

"Good afternoon. Am I interrupting something? I just wanted to see Lia, but she wasn't at her house." Tyson glances at the guys, who look at him with wide eyes, apart from Will and Ty, who already know who he is.

"Of course not. These are Blake and Lia's friends from school." Mom answers.

"Then if you don't mind, I'll go see her now." Tyson excuses himself when my mom nods with a sad smile.

We all stay in the kitchen to give them a little privacy, though I don't know what's the point, considering Lia's state.

"Who's that?" Nathan asks quietly.

"Lia's dad." I tell him, glancing towards the living room, where Lia is.

After few minutes a heartbreaking wail resounds through the house, making me jump off from my seat. I rush to the room, with my parents and friends following, but I ignore them. The sight in front of me makes me stop dead in my tracks.

Lia is sobbing loudly into Tyson's neck as he kneels on the floor in front of the couch with her small body engulfed in a tight hug. He keeps stroking her hair soothingly and I feel my eyes prickle with tears at the sight. My mom, on the other hand, doesn't even try to hide her tears, crying quietly behind me.

After a long while Tyson pulls Lia's face away a little, but her arms don't leave his neck. He cups her head, and with a stern look talks to her.

"Everything will be okay, I'll take care of it. – he wipes her tears with his thumbs before continuing – You're mine, little mouse. And no one will ever take you away from me. Ever. – he glances at me, cracking a smile – Well, maybe your future husband, but that won't happen for at least 10 years. So why don't you stop crying and give me a proper hug, hmm?" I barely stop myself from bawling my eyes out at the touching moment I'm witnessing. Lia roughly wipes her face with the sleeve of my hoodie before basically lunging at her dad.

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