part 1

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"It's starting!" You call out and you heard a distressed groan come form the kitchen, making you giggle. "You're going to miss it! Quick! Quick! Quick!"
"STOP!" Yoongi yelled back, and you giggled again.
He rushed into the room with a tray carrying two colas and two large bowls of popcorn. Your eyes lit up, "Woah! That's so much" You exclaimed.
He set down the tray, "don't pretend you're can't eat that, I know for a fact that you could eat both of those in under an hour," he teased.
"Hey!" You scolded him and he laughed mischievously, showing his gums.
"Wait, you didn't even press play!" He said as he finally sat down next to you on the sofa.
"I had to get you to speed up somehow!" You explained and when he rolled his eyes you shuffled over to him and put your head on his shoulder, "You loveeee me," you said.
He looked the opposite way, trying not to break under your intentionally cute behaviour.
"Go on....say it..." you urged.
He just made a groaning noise as if he was in pain and you chuckled, "Alright, I'll go sit over here then," and you sat on the opposite side of the sofa, pressing play on the TV.
"Nooo," he whinged like a little kid. You stayed exactly where you were though and tried not to smile. "(Y/N)!" He groaned and you laughed this time.
"Fine," he muttered under his breath and lent over to you. He put his hand on your hip and pulled you over to his body, tickling you as he did.
"No no no no," you pleaded, feeling ticklish under his hands, laughing painfully.
He put you next to him and pulled your head to his shoulder. "Cuddle me," he ordered, with a straight face and you laughed, doing exactly that.
He tried to hide his satisfaction, but you could see the traces of a smile in the corners of his lips.
"Aww is my little Yoongles being all cuddley and soft today?" You said in a voice you reserved only for puppies and babies. You lifted your hand and squished his adorable cheeks in between them but he pushed them away.
"Stop," he complained, "Let's just watch the movie," he said and you did, nuzzling into his side and holding him.
This had been your life for the last two weeks. You had moved back into Yoongi's place and you had upgraded from the sofa to Yoongi's bed again. And it had been pure bliss.
This boy made you the happiest you had been in a while and every night when you went to bed, your face hurt from how much you had been smiling.
You were content with him. And that's all you had craved for such a long time.
You hadn't realised you fell asleep until Yoongi was crouched down in front of you, stroking your hair gently and whispering your name.
"What?" You groaned, sleepily.
He chuckled, "Come on sleepyhead, you can't fall asleep here, we had a deal."
"Mmmm" you moaned but didn't move.
"I guess I'll just have to carry you then," he warned but you didn't really register it as you just nodded.
You felt his hands go under your back and under the back of your legs and you felt your body moving but you were still asleep. You opened your eyes gradually and when you did, you realised he really was carrying you to bed, bridal style.
"Oh Yoongi," you struggled and tried to get down. "Put me down, I'm going to break you!"
He chuckled, "babe, it's fine, I've been hitting the gym y'know."
You stopped struggling, "Oh well in that case, you can carry me everywhere from now on yeah?" You asked.
He stopped and then said, "Hmm nah," and let you go dropping you harshly onto the bed.
You whinged, "You little sh*t!" He laughed and got into the other side of the bed, as you got under the covers.
He came up to you but you turned your back to him, "you dropped me," you complained faking being angry at him.
He pulled you by your hips and put his legs under yours so you could feel his chest on your back, "It's fine, this is the perfect spooning position anyway."
You chuckled, sleepily, your eyes being pulled closed by fatigue.
When you were almost asleep, you heard Yoongi's little voice break through the silence.
You hummed to show you were still conscious. "How are you feeling about tomorrow?"
You sighed, "I'm a little nervous honestly. I won't be on the same floor as you so it'll be really different I guess." He nodded behind you, "Well, I know you're going to smash it. And besides, your the Chief Producer so it'll be more you ordering other people around."
You laughed quietly into the night and he did too.
It went quiet again, for a little, until he spoke again. "Can I take you out for dinner afterwards?"
Your face involuntarily pulled into a smile and you said, "I'd love that. Want to go to Joe's again?" You asked.
He hummed, "no, let's go somewhere fancy. You wear a dress, I'll wear a shirt instead of a tshirt, it'll be all...nice."
You turned around in bed to face him, and you could just make out his silhouette in the darkness. You could always see the glint in his eyes though. "But what if someone sees us? Plus, don't we need reservations?"
"I'll sort it," he said, lifting his hand to stroke your hair.
"I really don't mind, we can go anywhere? It's not that big of a deal really and it'll be-" you were interrupted.
"Baby," he stopped you. "I'll sort it, trust me. Just be ready by eight," he said with a smile.
You smiled back, "Okay then."
He looked at you in the dark for a while, still stroking your head. Before you could say anything else, he leaned forward and placed a peck on your lips. then your nose, then your forehead. "Sleep now baby," he whispered and shut his eyes. So you shut yours too, warm in his arms.
The next morning, you put on a turtleneck, a blazer and jeans, ready for your first day as the Chief Producer of TXT.
"How do I look?" You asked, coming out of the bathroom and into his room.
He smiled as he sat up in bed, "Wonderful."
"Really? I don't know, is it too over the top for my first day?" You asked, turning to the full length mirror and looking at it from different angles.
He climbed out of bed and came up behind you, cuddling you from behind and kissing you on the neck.
Your heart fluttered and warmth spread in your tummy. "You look perfect, as per usual," he said.
"Aww Yoongi, you're cute. But damn you need to hop in that shower boy, I don't want to be late," you said, breaking up the cute moment as you went into the bathroom to grab your makeup so Yoongi could shower.
"Alright," he said, chuckling. He followed you into the bathroom and you couldn't help but smile at his bedhead, it was so pure and sweet.
But then, he took his shirt off, standing there half naked. You spotted him in the mirror and couldn't help the blush that spread across your face as you tried to avoid looking at him. He really wasn't lying when he said he'd been going to the gym, he was starting to get really defined biceps.
He reached for the waistband of his sweatpants but you made a noise, "Ahh hang on, I'm just grabbing my stuff!" You said rushedly.
He looked at you in confusion, "It's okay, I don't mind you being in here." You made eye contact through the mirror. Your mouthwash slightly open as you felt your ears get hot.
" it's uh...i-it's o-okay," you nervously stuttered and you caught him smirking at you in the mirror.
You headed out and he was about to tease you but you just interrupted him, "Shut up," you said and shut the door behind you, hearing him laugh through it.
You put your makeup on in his room and as you started on your hair, he came out in just a towel wrapped around his waist.
You inhaled in surprise, but tried to carry on as normal, but you couldn't help but fumble with your hairbrush and drop it.
"Sorry, am I distracting you? he asked teasingly.
"SHUT UP!" You yelled playfully again and he laughed again.
He held your hand in the car on the way to work, feeling how sweaty they were from nerves and teasing you about it but you were too nervous to be mad.
It was 4pm when Yoongi finally came down to the TXT floor of the building and came to see you.
"Hey you Big shot Chief Producer you!" He exclaimed coming into your very own office which had a full studio and desk setup.
"I know right!"
"How is it?" He said, leaning over your desk and kissing your cheek.
"It's great! I just get to be really creative and I met the boys, they're all so cute and young."
"Hey! You better not be falling for any of them, BTS will always beat TXT," he said, defensively.
"Oh shush you big baby, they're too young for me, they're like little brothers or sons," you said to reassure him.
"Ready to get going?" He asked and you smiled back.
"Let's go."
When you got to the restaurant, it was much fancier than you had been expecting. So this is why Yoongi told you to wear dress.
You had a delicious chicken dinner with white wine and when you thought you couldn't eat anymore, the waiter brought out a Chocolate Gateau.
You looked at Yoongi in confusion, "Uh, I didn't order this?" You asked.
"No, I know. I did, while you were in the loo," he said and you smiled.
"Why are you being so nice to me tonight," you said with a smile. "Don't tell me, you're going to push my face into the cake," you asked taking a sip of your wine.
He chuckled and shook his head, "Well I wanted to celebrate your new job. I'm so proud of you," he said, candidly. You smiled.
He reached his hands across the table and took yours in his. "I also wanted to ask you something."
Your eyebrows furrowed. "I wanted to ask if..well would be my girlfriend."
You couldn't keep the smile from your face. You leaned closer to him and whispered, "I thought I already was?" You asked laughing.
He shook his head, "No I know, but I just wanted to ask properly because I never got the chance. So, will you?"
You smirked and took a spoon, "I don't know....." you hesitated.
"(Y/N)," he groaned, knowing what you were doing.
"Maybe I'll think about it," you suggested, taking a spoonful of the gateau and putting it in your mouth, winking at him.
"Please?" He asked, ever so cutely.
You smiled and swallowed the cake. You leant over the table and whispered, "nothing would make me happier." He smiled and you kissed him, properly this time.

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