Chapter 47

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Familiar and unfamiliar faces were illuminated in the firelight, watching as a small group of adults circled the elaborate round fireplace. They clasped hands.

After a moment, Marinette pulled out the tin from her pocket. Her mouth trembled in the orange light, darkness seeming to cascade around her as she stared at the shiny tin, containing the most powerful jewelry ever known to Paris.

"We come together to celebrate our reunion and the defeat of a villain, but we sacrifice the best things that have ever happened to us. We hope that by this sacrifice, that we can create a new life, a safe life. We will remember all of the memories. We will never forget."

At her final words, Marinette opened the tin with trembling hands, and slowly tipped it into the fire.

One by one, the pieces of jewelry fell into the flames.

Ladybug's earrings.

Chat Noir's ring.

Rena Rouge's necklace.

Carapace's bracelet.

Queen B's barrette.

Eagleflight's pin.

It's over.

Lise could feel the pain in the heart of the former Miraculous Holders as they viewed the jewelry disintegrate into ash once they settled onto the coals.

Suddenly, bursts of color flashed out of the flames and launched themselves into the Miraculous Holders. A red ball of light launched into Marinette's chest. Lime green into Adrien's. They stumbled backward, clutching their chest. All of their chests glowed with the color of their Miraculouses before fading within seconds.

As they recovered, they glanced at one another in confusion. "What happened?" Alya exclaimed, her breath coming at a rapid pace.

"I...I don't know. I never learned about anything like this," Marinette said breathlessly. Adrien held out a hand to help his wife, though he was unsteady himself.

Suddenly, a thought came to Lise's mind. This time, she discovered where it came from.

Voices from the kwamis brushed her cheek. Tikki's voice whispered into her ear.

"The kwamis," she blurted out before she could stop herself. Everyone turned to stare at her. "The kwamis...and the Miraculous powers...they all went inside of you. You all still have the powers. It's just different."

"What do you mean?" Alix rested a hand on her shoulder. Her eyebrows were furrowed with worry. "How do you know?"

"I just do. I don't know how I know. But I can hear them."

Alix opened her mouth to speak, but an exclaim from Adrien stopped her. "It's true! I can hear him! Plagg, he's speaking to me!"

"I can hear Pollen!" Chloe added.

As the Miraculous Holders exclaimed their assent, Lise turned to her friends. Nathan and Remy were staring at her open-mouthed. "What exactly happened to you?" Nathan demanded. "What could you feel?"

"Another time," Lise reassured them, setting a hand on Nathan's cheek. "Patience, children," she teased. "Someday, I'll tell you the whole story."


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