Chapter 40

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Ladybug and Chat Noir had one akuma left. Her ice crystals were relentless, and Ladybug's arms were getting tired from spinning her yoyo so much. Chat Noir was spinning his staff as well, his biceps and forearms flexing weakly.

They advanced as they spun, and at the right moment, leaped at her and knocked the ice akuma out with their yoyo and staff.

She fell down with a dull thud. Ice spread across the street from her body.

Ladybug took her sword that she had used and smashed it against the ground. She cleansed the butterfly that slipped out.

Chat Noir exhaled deeply, and fell to his knees. Ladybug knelt beside her husband, and took his hands. "Are you all right?"

He smiled at her. "I'm all right when you are here with me." He squeezed her hands.

She touched his cheek gingerly. "Cheesy kitty." She looked up at the Eiffel tower past him. Storm clouds seemed to be getting darker there, and lightning was flashing.

"I left Lise up there," she said absentmindedly. "What was I thinking? Of course he would find her there."

Chat Noir stood up, pulling her with him. "Don't ever blame yourself. You did what you believed was best. And it's not too late." He held out an arm, gesturing toward the tower. "I will be right behind you. I always will be."

Ladybug stared into his green cat eyes. The eyes she fell in love with, and the eyes that would always captivate her every time. She pulled him down to her height, and kissed him.

When she pulled away, she smiled at him, and threw her yoyo and launched herself into the dark stormy air.


Fu grabbed at Lise's neck. She let go of the railing and reached for his arms. Her legs flailed desperately. She struggled for breath as it was stolen from her.

"I am no longer that person. I am no longer called that name, who was an ally to Ladybug and Chat Noir."

More tears streamed down Lise's face. Her eyes felt like they might pop out. Her tired, aching fingers struggled to make room from his evil, black-gloved hands. He lifted her higher, his massive strength unable to be met.

Lise's eyesight began to grow fuzzy.

I'm going to die.

Suddenly, something red flashed past her and knocked into Master Fu's face. He cried out in surprise, letting go of Lise.

A scream rose in her throat as she fell into the abyss.

Something wrapped around her before she could start falling. Lise gasped as she dangled, head first over the green parks a thousand feet below her. It looked almost blurry below her in the dark stormy night. Raindrops fell around her.

Her arms and legs hung tired and lifeless below her, the string wrapped around her stomach. Her wet and stringy ponytail flapped into her face. Bile rose in her throat, but nothing came out.

Someone started pulling her up. Her brain barely registered what was going on as familiar arms and hands dragged her over the railing and onto the safe, safe platform. Her vision doubled, tripled.

Ladybug's face appeared close to hers. Her lips moved, but Lise's mind could only hear the echoing thud-thud-thud of her heart.


Ladybug wasn't sure if Lise was okay. If she would ever be okay again.

But she couldn't worry about that now.

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