Chapter 36

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Lise's heart screamed in her ears, her brain not able to process what was happening before her eyes.

Ladybug and Chat Noir, weakened after years of being in a comatose state, were battling five villains at the same time.

They were in the center of the circle, with the five akumas surrounding them and relentlessly throwing fire, ice, and wind at them.

Lise sucked in rapid breaths. Her hands were in fists pressed against her lap, trying to ground herself. Her body felt like it was falling forever.

I have to help them...!

But how?

Lise whipped her head around. There has to be something, anything that I can use to help!

The Miraculous box.

She reached for her jacket pocket, reaching for the small tin of the powerful jewelry that had been her source of comfort when she went back in time.

Her hand found nothing.

Ladybug still had it.

What was I thinking? I can't put on a Miraculous!

Lise turned her attention back to her parents again. They were as agile as the time they left. Neither of them had been pushed to use their Lucky Charm or Cataclysm.


Lise pressed a finger to her temple. There must be something that I can do!

Then a memory flashed in her mind. The dark room with the glass enclosures. They weren't the only ones. Queen B, Rena Rouge, Carapace...

Lise sprinted back down the alley the way she came from. But when she turned the corner, her foot slipped and she tripped.

A stack of pipes jostled and fell to the hard cement with a loud clatter.

Lise froze.

She thought she heard the fighting in the street cease for a moment. Her heart pounded.

Would they come after me?

Lise's feet tensed in her stained yellow converses, hoping hoping hoping that she wouldn't make another sound. She sucked in a breath.

Nothing happened.

Suddenly, Ladybug sprinted down the alley, and scooped Lise up in her arms before she could react or breathe. She swung her yoyo, and launched them into the air.

They sailed over the buildings into the bright sky, Ladybug swinging her yoyo again to another spot Lise couldn't see. All she could see was the blue sky and Ladybug's red suit. Her long blue hair flapped behind her as she glided through the air. Lise felt like she was drowning in the blue sky as her heart plummeted and her stomach flip-flopped. Her hands gripped Ladybug's shoulders when she felt the two starting to drop down to the ground.

She squeezed her eyes shut. I'm going to be okay. I'm safe.

As Ladybug used her yoyo again to swing them up into the air again, Lise's mind whirled. Blackness started to flood her vision.

"Stay with me, Lise," Ladybug said gently into her ear. How is she so calm? We're literally flying over Paris!

Ladybug landed with a short skid, Lise still scooped in her arms. Ladybug set her down carefully. Lise tried to sit up, but her knees buckled and the soles of her feet buzzed. Her arms trembled.

"Deep breaths, Lise."

Gasping, Lise's mind rushed back to when she was in the year 2016, when the young Ladybug had saved her just like this. Flying through the air, Ladybug using her yoyo to swing from buildings, the rush of wind in her ears...

Lise blinked, catching her breath. She gazed at her surroundings.

A city loomed in front of her and the river could be seen a ways away.

She was high up.

Iron bars stretched high above her and met at a fine point.

A hand reached out to her and gently touched her shoulder. "Will you be alright? I need to get back to Chat Noir."

Lise nodded absentmindedly, her eyes focusing on a piece of sediment by her knee, illuminated by the golden light coming from the Eiffel tower. The world was still spinning.

Ladybug seemed to hesitate, but then threw her yoyo and slipped out of Lise's peripheral vision.

I was going to help.

I was going to free the other Miraculous Holders.

How can Ladybug and Chat Noir defeat the Dark Collector--whoever he was--now?


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