Chapter 20

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Lise was waiting on a park bench at the bridge when Adrien showed up. He had a radiant smile on his face when he noticed her. "You came. I wasn't sure."

Lise's heart tightened. I only came because I told Marinette to meet me here, hopefully to make amends. I didn't come just for you. I came because I want to go home, and Tikki said that this is the only way to do it. "Of course. What wouldn't I do for a friend?"

Adrien's face lit up when she said 'friend.' "I'm so glad," he said. He searched the bridge.


Lise's stomach knotted with guilt.

"Hey Marinette. I hope you don't mind if I brought a friend along." Lise put emphasis on 'friend,' hoping that Marinette would take the hint.

Adrien's jaw clenched when he saw the blue-haired girl approaching. His Adam's apple bobbed nervously. "Hey."

Marinette sucked in a breath. "Hello."

Lise sighed deeply, and rolled her eyes. "Okay, I know you guys have your differences, but I don't think it's worth it to waste time hating each other. Can you guys just play nice for once? You both are my friends and I want to have a good time, having ice cream. Got it?"

The two stared at each other for a moment longer, Adrien waiting hopefully, and Marinette staring daggers at him.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm fine." Marinette held out a hand. "No promises, though."

Adrien bit back a glowing smile, and shook Marinette's hand. "Okay. I just saw the ice cream stand over there. Let's hurry, so we can catch it before it leaves."

Lise fell back a few steps so Adrien and Marinette could walk side by side, despite the awkward silence they were having. She slowed to a stop.

A red creature flew out of her pocket, but still hid from view. "You're making progress," she remarked.

"Yeah..." Lise murmured thoughtfully. She watched the tall blond boy and the short blue-haired girl in pink pants as they bought ice cream from Andre. For a moment, when Adrien handed ice cream to Marinette, Lise thought that she saw Marinette smile. Just a little bit.

"Marinette reminds me of someone."

Tikki studied her expression. "How so?"

Lise chose her words carefully. "Uh--I mean she does close off to people who she doesn't trust, and when she has good friends, she is fiercely loyal to them. She may not always be sure of herself, but when something needs to be done for a friend...she would do it."

Tikki cocked her head. "Are you sure you're not talking about yourself?"
Lise scoffed. "How would you know? You don't even know me." Maybe I am kind of like Marinette, though. "Despite their troubles right now...I can't help but think that they are meant for one another."

Tikki smiled. "They are. Trust me. They most certainly are."


Lise licked her fingers free of any remainders of the ice cream cone. As she wiped her hands with a paper napkin, she glanced over at Adrien and Marinette.

They didn't seem as uncomfortable and angry as before, which was a good sign. Adrien was finishing up his ice cream cone, taking pleasure in every bite. Marinette fidgeted in her seat on the bench. Lise could tell she was a little wary in opening herself up to Adrien.

"So,'d you guys meet?" Lise asked cautiously.

Marinette threw a glare at Adrien, but her expression wasn't angry. Adrien hesitated, then said, "We, uh...I'm a new student this school year. So the first day." He glanced nervously over at Marinette.

Marinette had her eyes trained on the ground.

Lise tried to make up the awkward silence. "I'm sure there was a misunderstanding. In my experience, it's never worth it hating someone for such a long time. You don't need that kind of stress on yourself." Wow, I sound like my mother.

Adrien wrung his hands.

"Look, I'll be honest. You guys need to talk. I'll leave you guys to it. See you guys tomorrow at school." Lise stood up, and walked away without another word.

Tikki flew out of her bag to her ear. "You're making progress! Soon Marinette will fall in love with him, and then you can go home!"

"Whoa, hold up. I need to have Marinette fall in love with him?"

"Well, yes."

Lise facepalmed. "You know Marinette still hates Adrien, right? Ugh, this is going to take longer than I thought."

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