Chapter 42

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PART IV: Something New

"It does not take a new year to make a brand new start. It only takes the deep desire of your heart." --helen steiner rice

october 2047

Three weeks after her release from the hospital, a short-haired girl assured her parents that she could wheel herself a few blocks to the park. Lise wanted to get out of the house and get a breath of fresh air more than anything these days. Her stuffy bedroom was beginning to feel like a prison.

A mountain of homework waited for her at her desk, but she hadn't been able to focus. Her mind still reeled from the events from a month ago.

Her birth parents were still recovering in the hospital. Adrien remained in intensive care, and Marinette was in the room right next door.

They didn't know that Lise existed yet.

Sketchpad tucked underneath her arm, Lise rolled up her wheelchair next to a bench, breathing a sigh of relief. She sucked in the flowery scents. The bright morning sun felt so good on her face after the darkness and pain of the past month. Her arm was wrapped up in a cast, but it was still sore. Her back ached every now and then, injured from being rescued by Ladybug when she fell.

Lise pulled out her phone, scrolling past the news and articles of the rediscovery of the other Miraculous Holders in Hawk Moth's and Master Fu's former lair. They had been awakened, and were recovering. They would be reunited with their families soon.

Her phone buzzed with an incoming call. Remy.

"Hey, Lise!"

Her spirits lifted at the sound of her best friend's voice. A smile erupted across Lise's face. "Hey, Remy."

"How are you doing today?"

Lise inhaled slowly, relishing the sweetness of the grass, the smell of the flowers in the gardens around the fountains nearby, and the warm sunny air. "Much better."

"That's great to hear. Listen, we really want to come and see you today. Could we hang out after school?"

Lise flexed her ankles. She had to get up and take a few steps every now and then to stretch and strengthen her injured back. "Maybe. That would be fun. I'll have to ask my mom." A stiffness rose up inside her voice when she said 'mom.'

"Sure. Just let us know. We're all thinking about you. We miss you in school. We can't wait to catch up."

"It'll be great to hang out. I know it's been awhile, but I've been focusing on recovering--"

"Don't sweat about it. We understand." Remy's voice was like music to Lise's ears, it felt so good to hear him after her traumatic experience. "Oh, by the way, Zoe says hi."

Strangely enough, hearing Zoe's name didn't incite pain or regret. Lise knew that Zoe felt extremely guilty for leaving her behind in the Dark Collector's lair. "Tell her I said hi."

"I will. See you later."

"See you."

Lise slipped her phone back into her bag. She had wanted to get out of her home, not just to stretch her legs, but to think and process. She was still thinking about everything that had happened. It was taking so much time for her.

The fact that her parents were alive, and worrying about their daughter that they had given up fifteen years ago. That the Dark Collector was Master Fu himself--the Guardian himself--who had betrayed her parents, and forced them into a coma so he could collect their Miraculouses and be a step closer to time travel. He threatened them that if they did not cooperate, that their daughter would be hurt. They gave up everything--everything--for her.

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