Chapter 41

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It's funny how life works.

You laugh, you cry, you breathe.

You sing, you dance, you create, you study, or you simply just do.

You can live through life dreading tomorrow or the next day.

Or you can live life enjoying every day, every moment, every little piece that makes your life just a little bit more.

Life is called good and bad at the same time.

Some events remind you of how harsh life is.

But others can remind you of how truly, truly precious life is.


I remember you, was Ladybug's only thought as she leaped off the railing like a diver and plummeted towards Lise. I have to save you!

Everything seemed to slow down. The only thing that mattered was saving Lise.


The girl was falling too fast.

Lise's limbs flailed, trying to grip something, anything that would stop her fall. Her yellow converses were untied, the laces flapping in the harsh wind of the cold descent. Her emerald eyes were wide, but they never broke Ladybug's eye contact.

Though it was the middle of the night and pouring, her bright blonde hair seemed to glow. Lise's short hair whipped around her face, drenched and stringy. Her face was streaked with rain, but they could be tears. Her bright eyes were wide with shock and astonishment. For how could she have known that this would happen in her life? Her small pink lips were open and pained, as if to call out for help but she couldn't find the voice.

She had barely lived.

In a movement that felt too slow, Ladybug yanked her arm back and threw her yoyo. The string trembled violently as it reached reached reached for the girl. Ladybug could feel the circle rolling at breakneck speed.

Lise's hand slowly moved toward Ladybug, her thin pale fingers, sprinkled with Fu's blood, stretching out. Her lips tried to form words. Her emerald eyes sparkled with tears.

The yoyo crept closer, but the ground was coming up too quickly.

It's you, Lise. It's you.

My friend.

I never forgot about you.


Chat Noir knew that Ladybug would save Lise. Ladybug had the willpower. She was strong enough to make it.

He took in a shuddering breath, trying not to groan. He winced when he shifted in his position by the railing. Chat Noir examined his injuries. He touched his stomach with his black leather hands. There was blood. That was all he needed to know.

A noise grabbed his attention, and he turned his head weakly to see Ladybug swing back onto the platform, carrying a girl in one strong arm. She set the limp girl down, and stood before the dead body. The weight of the world bore down on her shoulders as she stared at it.

Ladybug sucked in a deep breath, and tilted her head back to let raindrops fall on her face. The weight released.

Chat Noir sighed, and let out a small laugh. He closed his eyes.

It was over.

Something bright lit up the orange of his eyelids. He squinted, and strained to make out what it was.

The sun was rising. The beautiful, bright, pink sun. It was dawn already. The sky was clearing, and he could smell the morning dew.

He felt a burden being lifted off his chest despite the pain.

The dark night was gone.

Hope was rising.


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