Chapter 26

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Lise covered her head in her hands, shaking her head over and over again.

The two kwamis from 2047 were hovering by the girl sitting on the steps to her apartment building--well, the one where she would live in the future--trying to convince her that everything would be alright.

"We understand your situation, Lise. We know that you were just trying to be honest. You're so much like your mother," said Tikki. Her little red face glowed with a smile.

"Everything is going wrong. All I wanted was to go home," Lise whimpered. Tears fell from her eyes and slipped between her fingers. "I just wanted to complete this mission so I could set things right again, and see my parents and friends again. And now I find out that my parents aren't my real parents after all!"

Plagg rested his little cat head on Lise's shoulder. "Want some camembert?" he asked. Lise heard him munch on something.

"Lise, it's no use regretting," said Tikki. "I mean, yes, you shouldn't have told Adrien and Marinette where you were from, but I respect your decision to be honest. I'm proud of you all the same."

Lise was touched by the kwami's kind words. "Ladybug must've been a great woman," she sniffled.

"Yes. Yes, she is."

Lise halted. "Is it Marinette?"

The kwami was silent. "How did you know?"

Lise lifted her head to meet the small blue eyes of the small red creature. "I saw her."

Tikki's eyes widened. "You saw her transform?" she whispered in horror.

"No, not exactly. Well yeah, I saw her...memories?"

"No one could possibly know that," said the kwami, confused. "No one would be able to tell who Ladybug really is. The magic from her superhero outfit prevents anyone from making any connections to her identity."

Lise twirled a few strands of her hair around her finger. "What's happening to me? Why do I keep seeing these visions?"

The kwami didn't respond. Her confused expression lingered, but turned to curiosity as she stared at this strange blond girl.

The apartment building door opened from behind Lise. The kwamis flew out of sight into Lise's jacket.

"This could be considered trespassing."

She stood up, whirling around to see the same dark-skinned woman Lise had run into a few days before. "I'm sorry. I'll go." She started to walk down the steps.

"It's only trespassing if someone complains about it."

Lise stopped her descent. The woman was giving Lise a look of understanding that was unnerving.

"Come. I think I can help."


Lise wasn't sure what compelled her to follow the mysterious black woman. She had a yellow and black sari with a teal turban, her ears dripping with gold jewelry that touched her shoulders.

As she followed the woman to the same apartment that she lived in, she noticed a few details of the newness of the building. The carpet didn't have a dark stain from when Joseph Obez down the hall ran into her and accidentally spilled his grape juice when she was thirteen. The wooden frames along the walls were shiny and recently waxed. The light fixtures were brand-new and clear, not laden with dust and years of grime.

The woman opened the door to her--their--apartment. "Please, come in. I assure you, I am only here to help."

Lise stepped into the room. All of the furniture weren't in their right positions, and her mother's rollerblades weren't on their perch by the fireplace, but in a way, it still felt like home.

"Come to the table." The woman sat down at the dining table. Lise started to head toward the far corner of the room where the table usually was, before realizing and sitting down at the one near the entrance.

Stacks of cards were littered on the antique Chinese tablecloth. A small notebook was placed to the side of the woman, scrawled with notes. A crystal ball was placed delicately at the center of the table, waiting to be commanded.

"I am called Georgetta," said the woman, sitting down across from Lise. "I understand that we have had an encounter recently, where you thought that you lived here."

Lise clenched her teeth, biting back a retort that she did live here.

"When we met, I sensed that you did not belong. That is my special ability. I can decipher a lot about one person through my senses." Georgetta placed her hands on the crystal ball. "I understand that you are seeking answers."

Lise prepared in her head a lie, a denial, that she did not need help, that she was just fine on her own without having the help of a weird fortune teller.

"I want to know who my real parents are."

Georgetta breathed in deep. She closed her eyes.

Suddenly, the crystal ball started to fog up. Faint images flashed in the midst. Lise's heart pounded. "I thought crystal balls only could show the future...?"

Georgetta opened her eyes, revealing her amber eyes. "They do, my darling. They do. Now, if you wish to learn and see for yourself, all you have to do is touch the ball."

Lise swallowed. This is it. This is the moment I find out the truth.

Am I ready?

I don't feel ready.

Without another thought, Lise thrust her hand forward to touch the cold glass.


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