Chapter 18

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Lise peeked around the corner, and watched in dismay as the hurt Alix transformed into Timebreaker, her mind reeling of the secrets that had just been unfolded.

Alix's pink hair had disappeared into a helmet with green visors like a fly. Her skater clothes became a dark leather suit, and her rollerblades were now sleek speeders with pure white wheels.

Lise's heart pounded as Timebreaker sped towards Kim.

He was trying desperately to sprint away, but Timebreaker was much faster than Alix. She caught up to him, and slapped his back.

A flash of black overtook Lise's vision. She blinked rapidly, her brain scrambling to make sense of what had happened.

She glanced down at the courtyard again.

Her father was frozen in place, a look of shock on his face.

"NO!" she screamed, then clapped a hand over her mouth.

Timebreaker screeched to a halt, and looked over her shoulder. Her eyes stared at her on the higher walkway.

Lise backed away, her limbs trembling. She sprinted away toward the Eiffel tower. Maybe she could find a hiding place there.

"You're the one who broke my watch!" Timebreaker screamed. "You will pay!"

Horror surged through Lise when she saw that the akuma was gaining on her fast. She leaped down a set of stairs, but landed awkwardly. Pain shot up her ankles to her calves. Lise shrieked, and stumbled to the hard cement.

The rumbling grew louder as Timebreaker's rollerblades glided on the concrete. "I have you now!"

"No, you don't!" A flash of red appeared from overhead, and knocked Timebreaker off guard.

Ladybug used her yoyo as a shield, and knelt down beside Lise. She scooped her up without a word and threw her yoyo to the top of a building nearby that looked similar to the Eiffel tower.

They sailed through the air. Lise grasped Ladybug tightly. Nausea threatened to overcome her, and her stomach plummeted.

"You'll be okay. Stay here, and we'll come back for you," Ladybug said, grasping Lise's hand. "Take deep breaths."

Lise gasped as a jolt of electricity went through her system. Another vision burned in her mind. She saw red electricity traveling over Ladybug, revealing pink pants and a gray jacket. Her mask disappeared to reveal--.

Lise gazed at Ladybug's hand. The superhero gazed at her with shock. "What was that?" she whispered, her blue eyes wide. She'd felt--or seen--something too.

Lise dropped Ladybug's hand. "You'd better go help Chat Noir."

Ladybug nodded. She threw her yoyo and disappeared from sight.

Lise watched her go back to the Trocadero. She could identify the dark shape moving around with agile precision as Chat Noir.


I just saw that Ladybug is Marinette. Ladybug is Marinette. Marinette is Ladybug.

And I saw that Adrien is Chat Noir.

How did I do that?


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