Chapter 4

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After a few minutes of silence he asks me.
- Have you had a boyfriend, Melody?
- Why this question?
- I'm just surprised that a girl of such value has no boyfriend yet.
- Okay. Thank you for coming to college seriously today and I loved that phrase that says to you, "May the angels be with you always." This sentence was very important to me.
- That phrase was my mother telling me when I was little and I started keeping it for people who matter to me.
- Am I important to you?
- You don't even know how important you are to me.
I just had lunch and right now I'm running to the classroom so I won't be late. I spent a lot of time talking to Dylan and ended up having lunch later. It has not arrived yet and they are almost closing the doors of the room for anyone else to enter. I start to get nervous until I see him, he comes to me and sits in a place next to me.
- Did I arrive late?
- No, but you would almost stay on the street.
At the end of afternoon classes we go straight to the bar. We sat at a table waiting for each other and drank two shots each.
- Hi friends. How are you doing? - Says Rachel. Jace and Jasmin come after her.
- One more day of sex, guys.- Jace laughs.
- Jace stops being silly, Melody's here she's a girl, okay? - Dylan tells her.
- Yes it's better Jace.- agrees Jasmin.
We get to the room after about 15 minutes of talk without a definite subject and he tells me.
- Only 4 days left.
- I know. - I answer.
He takes off my bra and starts to lower my body with his tongue.
My God. What he makes me feel.
I start to feel a little more pain and squeal.
- Dylan .... my God ...... Dylan.
- Do you want it to stop? Does it hurt?
- You can't go on but it hurts a little.
I don't know if today I'm feeling more pain from being more attached to him and it made me more sensitive inside.
Just having sex we go down and give them the condom, they pay us and then Dylan asks me almost in a whisper.
- Do you want to sleep here today?
- It may be but it's only because I'm very tired.
We go up to the room where we usually have sex and lie in bed and he says.
- I go to the other room to sleep.
- No it is not necessary. You can stay, you won't bother me.
- Are you sure?
- Of course I have. You're not going to bother me, you think I was going to be bothered by a guy who has seen my whole body 20 times without even feeling anything for me.
It's been 26 days and it's only 4 days left even though these days seemed bigger than the others because every day I have to have sex with a boy who at first felt nothing for him but now I started to feel.
I fell in love with a guy who will never feel anything for me.
Or maybe he can feel it. Love is, so sometimes we think we are destined to be with one person but in fact we are destined to be with another person who guards the future.
Will he guard my future?

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