Chapter 27

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After leaving the small wooden bar, I don't leave right away, I go into the water a bit and my body turns on its lights.
I wet my hair, wash my makeup and take off my shorts.
Then I go back to the bar and wait at the counter.
And there they are all staring at me. But what harm did I do to God?
- Hello, what do you want to drink or eat?
And that's when I notice that he was a friend of mine, David from my third year.
- David? - i ask surprised.
- Melody?
- Omg... I can't believe. How are you?
- I never thought to see you again. I'm fine, I've been working here since Jasmin's boss gave me a job here.
- Nice. - We hug and I notice Dylan's face, his perfect eyes always focused on David.
- So what do you really want? - he asks me smiling.
- An orange juice with ice please.
He gives it to me and then I sit on Dylan's lap. I know we're done but we can be friends and friends sometimes enjoy it.
- What are you doing? Are you crazy? You are no longer his girlfriend. - Rachel says and makes me want to pull out her beautiful hair.
- Who said I am not? I ask them.
- We. Dude, you and him broke a little obvious.
And that's when I decide to kiss Dylan just to get the words out.
He takes me out of there even though we broke up.
He pushes me against my car while he kisses me.
I stop kissing him and he stares at me but happy that I kissed him.
- Have you lost your appetite for kissing me? - he asks me.
- Not actually not.
- So why did you stop kissing me?
- Are you forgotten or silly? We broke up and I have reasons and I will not go back to you.
- This is what you say now because you are angry with me because I know perfectly that a few more days and you will come back to me soon. You always end up coming back to me and that's the only reason I'm still alive.- He says while caressing my face and pushing my hair away from my face.
- Let me go, Dylan.
He kisses me softly before letting me in the car.
When he opens the door, he notices that I have our photo in the car that was in the album.
He takes the photo and I try to take it out of his hand.
- Dylan ... give me that. - I tell him.
- I don't give you. - he brings his body closer to mine and to his face.
I try to control myself not to kiss and go to bed with him.
He kisses me hard and sits me on the front of the car.
- Dylan stop. We...
- Shh ... babe ... of course we are not going to do this here and besides I just want to enjoy your lips, your kiss. At this moment only your kiss is gold for me.
I smirk and he pulls my hair away.

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