Chapter 14 (You and I)

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      Matsuri prepares for another attack.The wind blows as she lands to the ground.Sasuke is currently training with her."Stop!"Matsuri yells as she wave her hand.

       "Are you hurt?"Sasuke asks as he sit with her under the cherry blossom tree.Matsuri just shake her head in disagreement.Ever since that day she got out of the hospital her relationship with Sasuke got deeper.She knows that he really love his brother,his favorite food,and first love.It helps her to understand him yet still she doesn't know if he understands her."Um...Sasuke."Matsuri said.Sasuke gaze at her,her onyx eyes met with his."Do you understand me?"Matsuri asks.Sasuke sigh and held Matsuri's hand."I might not know anything but I understand you.Your pain,your situation, and your burden."Sasuke said.Matsuri is quite flattered,she couldn't help but to blush.The wind blows gently at them and a little cherry blossom flower drops at Matsuri's lap."Look,it's a cherry blossom."Matsuri said as she notice the bloom."Then the tree is blooming."Sasuke said.

      Matsuri just blush at Sasuke's sudden joy."Want to walk around?"Sasuke asks as he quickly hold Matsuri's hand.The warmth of his hand made Matsuri feel comfy and fuzzy inside her heart.She nods,Sasuke smiles a little.


         They begin to walk between the path of cherry blossom trees,their hands interlocked."You and I....are better for each other.Even if Sakura and Gaara are together..."Matsuri said.Sasuke stares at her,their onyx eyes meet."What do you mean?"Sasuke said."Aishiteru..."Matsuri nervously said.They both halt,the wind blew together with the fallen cherry blossom flowers.Sasuke chuckles, Matsuri just felt awkward and embarassed."Hey...i-its not funny..."Matsuri struttered.Sasuke walks toward Matsuri. He scoop up her face with his hand and held it gently."I love you too..."Sasuke said.He leaned towards Matsuri and their lips met.Matsuri felt his luscious soft lips,Sasuke felt a warmth only in Matsuri's lips.Like they're meant to be,to be together.

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