Chapter 13 (Permission)

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      The hospital room is furnished white.Sasuke stares at her again,another day is about to pass but she still didn't show signs of waking up.Sasuke just sighs.

       Matsuri felt her body,her blood flowing and her heart beating.She slowly opens her eyes and notice that she's in a hospital.She slowly sits up and notice Sasuke staring at her."I'm glad you're awake..."Sasuke said."How long have I been asleep?"Matsuri asks."Only two days..."Sasuke replies.Matsuri smiles weakly at Sasuke.Sasuke stares at her,his eyes filled with worry.Sasuke kneels on one leg and grabs Matsuri's hand gently."Please permit me to protect you..."Sasuke said as he kiss Matsuri's hand.She blush a little."U...uh i...t..s ok....ay."Matsuri strutter as Sasuke's hand interlock with her.

      Sasuke stand up and quickly hug Matsuri."It's a promise..."Sasuke said.Matsuri just happily nods.


         "I'm sorry Gaara -sama,I failed you..."Sakura said.Gaara just sighs at her.He's not disappointed at his loved lady but fascinated yet weirded out by Matsuri.She has definitely grown strong,considering the fact that her chakra is different. According to Naruto,kujaku is a forbidden technique that is only limited to the ninjas of the Hidden Village of Stars.It is also deadly and a hard ninja art,but how?Does this mean that Matsuri is dead?

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