Chapter 7 (Recount The Day That I First Met Your Mother)

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       "Sugoi!!!Your compound is big!"Karin squeals.Matsuri just scoffs and rolls her eyes."I have to go first..."Matsuri said. The others nod except Sasuke.She starts to walk on the mossy path leading to the main mansion.She stand still on the doorway before sighing.This is gonna be a disaster.She start to knock.After two knocks the door opens,it was opened by his uncle Toshiro."Moshi moshi Toshiro-sama..."Matsuri greets.The man smiles and let her in."Please tell my mom I'm here..."Matsuri said.Toshiro nods and heads upstairs. Matsuri is really pissed off but she just shrugs it or otherwise Diabolus will appear again.She heard footsteps from the stairs.It was non other than her mom."Ohayou okasan..."Matsuri greets.Her mother just hug her."What are you doing here?"Aika asks in a caring voice."My teammates are here to spend the day..."Matsuri replies.Aika flashes a smile at her daughter."Where are they?"Aika asks."Outside..."Matsuri answers."Toshiro can you get her friends?"Aika asks.Toshiro gladly nods.

      "What's taking her so long."Sasuke bitterly said."Just wait..."Karin replies.A man suddenly stops on front of them,well a little from them."Excuse me but who are you?"Karin asks."Matsuri-hime is waiting for you inside."the man said.Sasuke and Suigetsu nods,they follow the man.

       "I heard news that you're an anbu and you have a group..."Aika said.Matsuri just nods."What is this group called?"Aika asks."Taka Reborn..."Matsuri simply replies.A knock on the door is heard and came in Toshiro and her other teammates."Ohayou..."Aika said."Konnichiwa I'm Karin Hozuki..."Karin cheerfully introduce herself."Suigetsu Hozuki...."Suigetsu introduce himself."That one bkack haired dude is Sasuke Uchiha..."Matsuri said as she points at Sasuke.Aika smiles at Sasuke's reaction.Sasuke gave a 'I-need-to-talk-to-you' glare at Matsuri,at first she didn't understand but when she understood it she nods.

       They go to the balcony."What do you want?"Matsuri asks."I like you..."Sasuke simply said.Matsuri just roll her eyes.Sasuke thought that she wasn't convinced so he pull Matsuri towards him and hug her.Matsuri was shock but she kinda like it too.Wait what is she thinking,she push Sasuke away from her and exit the room.Sasuke just stood there almost smiling because he's plan is working.

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