Chapter 16- Rejected Idea, Accepted Kiss

Start from the beginning

"Are you alright?" Said a voice from my right.

I looked over, snapping out of my daydream, to see green eyes staring back at me intently. "Why would you ask that?"

"Your hands are shaking and I'm guessing that you've been staring at your phone for the past half an hour since you never came inside the bar." Blake responded while glancing down at my hands.

"I'm just waiting for a call." It wasn't a complete lie. Steve would end up calling me again sooner or later. He would never give up. Especially if he wanted something from me. "Where's everyone else anyway?" I added trying to change the subject.

It worked. "Charlie is in the washroom and Mark and Carina are dancing. Let's go inside, it looks like a storm is coming." Blake responded looking at the thunderous clouds hovering above us.

I nodded at him and followed him inside.

I looked out at the dance floor and saw Carina. Was she in danger because of me? What was I doing? How could I put all of these people in danger by being with them? How could I be so selfish?

All these thoughts running through my head began to blur my vision. My hands shook even more and my breathing became constricted.

I heard Blake sigh and I turned to look at him.

He saw me looking and explained. "I just thought of something. Sorry, it's stupid."

I shook my head. "Tell me." Tell me anything. I need a distraction from the anxiety.

"It's not even important." He protested.

I looked at Blake closely. It looked as though he was going through a rougher time than me. "Tell me about it." I said softly.

Blake looked at me before continuing hesitantly. "I used to like this girl."

I felt a pang in my chest but ignored it. "And?"

"She left. And it was my fault. I still love her. But it's hopeless. I'll never see her again because I was too stupid to see what I had until it was too late."

"Is this girl someone I may know?" I asked. Can't blame a girl for hoping. And I was certainly hoping for a specific answer.

"No, probably not. She is the reason I broke up with my high school girlfriend though." Blake chuckled humorlessly. "Didn't end well."

Well, ouch. I may have been looking for a distractions from my problems but I did not sign up for hearing the reason behind Blake and I's breakup. He had liked another girl? That was like a slap in the face. I bet she was willing to run around the world with him. In my head I scoffed at the thought yet my heart sank at the same time.

"That's too bad." I tried to fake sympathy while I actually felt good that Blake and this 'mystery girl' hadn't worked out.

"Cab's outside." Charlie cut me off.

"We-" Blake's reply was cut off by the lights going down.

The whole bar was quickly submerged in darkness and we heard thunder from outside.

"Sorry folks. Looks like the generator for our building was hit by lightning. The backup should be up and running soon." The bartender informed us.

After that, I couldn't think.

Everything was black. Yet I was still able to see. It was as if I was suspended in nothingness but still able to walk. I took a couple of steps forward before stopping. Where was I supposed to go? Wasn't I supposed to be on a mission?

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