Chapter 19- Lost Time, Found Horror

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Chapter 19

I studied the painting in front of me, mildly bored. Oh, who was I kidding? I was extremely bored. It had only been about five minutes since I broke away from the tour group but I was already having some thoughts about faking my third death. Just kidding- maybe. I know. I'm horrible.

"There you are!" Blake appeared from around the corner on my left. "I've been looking for you for 20 minutes!"

I looked around the big, empty hall of the White House we were currently taking a tour of. Well, the group was. I had decided to break off and give myself a private tour. I looked back at Blake.

I rolled my eyes, "Stop being over dramatic. I've been gone for five minutes."

A watch was stuck in my face," Does that look like five minutes to you?"

I studied the watch and realized that Blake was, in fact, correct.

"I didn't notice." I mumbled.

"We've all been worried sick! One minute you were there and the next you were gone!" Blake continued his rant.

"Calm down, why are you taking this so seriously? I'm not a child, I can take care of myself." I found myself repeating those words to him yet again. Why was he so set on treating me like a child?

He cares about you. The inner voice in my head chirped to me.

I felt a flutter of butterflies in my stomach at the thought of Blake caring for me. Of course he had already proclaimed his love for me but maybe that was just a fluke. Or maybe he didn't actually mean it. Or maybe he bumped his head walking out of the bar and was acting under the influence of a concussion.

As my excuses got increasingly more pathetic, I tried to ignore the pleasant feeling of butterflies running over my arm.

"Dannie? Dannie. Are you listening?"

I snapped out of my pitiable list of excuses and recognized Blake's voice as the person grabbing my wrist. Wait. Grabbing my wrist? Sure enough, I looked down and saw him grabbing my left wrist.

I stumbled back and, in the process, yanked my wrist from Blake's grasp.

"Don't touch me." I said harshly.

Blake held his hands up defensively. "What did I do?"

One look at Blake's hand and I knew that he had wiped off any concealer I had put on my tattoo that morning.

My chest became constricted as I tried to hide my wrist from sight. Not only from Blake, but from myself as well.

"This is pretty cool." John said while admiring his tattoo.

"Good idea, Danny! Now we are forever and ever!" Alex chirped.

We all looked at Alex as if he were crazy.

"What?" He said with a pout.

I chuckled before looking at my own tattoo. A white ink tattoo in the shape of a spider web. I absolutely loved it. It's a shame Danny came up with the idea of getting squad matching tattoos before I did.

I turned to Danny, "Aren't you so glad I came up with the design? Otherwise we might have ended up with yours." I faked a shudder at the thought.

"You did not come up with this. I did." Danny raised his eyebrow.

I snorted, "You wish."

"Uh-huh." Was his brilliant response.

Blake was still watching me closet as I reminisced. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You did nothing." My voice was still hoarse. It sounded like I trying to convince myself more than Blake that it was no big deal.

I couldn't understand why I kept over-reacting like this. I took deep breathes to calm myself while looking into Blake's piercing green eyes.

It was almost as if everything was in slow motion. Blake bent his head down and leaned in towards me as his gaze shifted to my lips. My lips parted on their own accord as a silent welcome to what was about to happen. I let my eyes flutter shut. There was a heartbeat in my eyes that prohibited me from hearing anything, thus allowing me to focus solely on Blake and I.

Perhaps if I hadn't have let my guard down, I would have heard the approaching footsteps.

"Well, isn't this a surprise." A voice came from behind me as the footsteps came to a halt.

I turned on my heel with a huff of annoyance. I didn't want to deal with anyone else right now. Yet, at the same time, I found myself relieved. There was no way I would have stopped the kiss from happening but the kiss was something that shouldn't happen. I couldn't get too attached just to leave him again. It was hard enough to say bye the first time.

"Can I help y-"My question drifted off as I looked at the man in front of me. My throat closed and my voice was seemingly gone. "Steve."


Super short, super sorry.

Next update will be longer and better.

Vote & point out any mistakes!

Thank you!

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