Chapter Fifty One.

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Chapter Fifty One.
She attacks.


【 Kyuubi's POV 】

Have I been this late?

I should have been informed at least about being left alone!

Everyone is probably fighting and me sitting here in a tent like big coward. I bet Naruto is in battlefield as well. What a pain this is giving me.

"Kurama!" I screamed in the annoying voice of mine, more like shrieked like I always do.

"I swear, someday you'll be the cause of my ears' explosion."

How dramatic.

"Mind your ears, is Naruto Nii-Chan at the battlefield?" I asked, in a real eager hurry because if my brother isn't safe, no one in this world is. "Or at least give me information about what's going on!"

"Maybe if you had some manners, I would have answered." Kurama said lazily. This really made me mad.


"WILL YOU STOP SCREA-" he shrieked. "Don't go Kushina mode! I hate those s-scary eyes!"

"Kurama! Just tell me where Naruto, the Shinobi Force and Gaara, please." I said, all hopeful with my glinting eyes.

"Kyuubi, I think you should stay somewhere safe because you are too weak to go."

"Where shall I go?" I said, with adrenaline flooding my system, It pumped and beat like it's trying to escape. I think my heart will explode and my eyes are wide with fear. It happened all of the sudden, I don't know why.

"I'll take you where it's safe." Kurama said.

I closed my eyes, thinking about it. And then opened them. "No, don't take me to any safe destination. Take me directly to where Naruto and every Shinobi Force is at."



I appeared somewhere on top of a destroyed part of a structure. At a distance, I could see every single one I know, and they were all pulling something from a guy.

Even Sasuke was there, I'm surprised.

I squinted my eyes to see more clearly, just to make sure everything is alright. I can see the four Hokages, happy war day huh? A very happy psychopath war-

Wait a second, why is Neji on the ground, not moving at all- no... No!

"Madara and Obito did that to him," Kurama said. "He shielded Naruto and Hinata."

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