Chapter I

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The Blackbourne team finally defeated Volto.

Sang found a white mask on her bed. She told the boys about it and they all gather around her. When she took the mask, she hears a ticking sound. She turned it around then suddenly it exploded. The Blackbourne team was perished.

Sang jolted awake from the nightmare. It wasn't just a nightmare, it was her past. That is how she died together with the people she loved.

She started to remember her previous life since she was 5.

Sang Sorenson, the same name, the same face but that is all the things that is the same in her previous life.

In this new life, she has a loving family and a very comfortable life style. She is the only daughter of Duke Sorenson.

Duke Mathew Sorenson was a brave, loyal and respectable knight. He has 4 magic attributes and has quite high magic power.

Having 2 magic attributes is already rare enough. He was able to attain a great achievement during the previous war. That is why the king appointed him as a Duke and was given a fief to manage.

His wife Melody is a daughter of the village chief where he used to lived in. They were childhood friends. She has a cameleon hair with green forest eyes, just like Sang.

She has light attribute, which means she can heal external wounds but she can't regenerate limbs. She doesn't have much magic power to sustain her attribute though.

Sang is now 12 years old. In this world. 12 is their coming of age which means their high society debut, they can attend parties and can have a fiance or fiancee.

There is only one month left before the crown prince's selection for fiancee. She is the strongest candidate to be the crown prince's fiancee because she has 5 attributes; fire, water, wind, earth and light. And just like her father she also has a strong magic power that can sustain her attributes.

It is a noble's job to wed someone especially for a noble's daughter that doesn't have any other heir. Only the 1st son can be the heir of the family.

That is why she has been so anxious lately. She misses her boys. She doesn't want to get married to someone she doesn't even know. Even if it is still an engagement, she felt like she's betraying them.

There is not a day that she ever forget about them. The nightmare has been her constant reminder of them. She prayed every single day that she's not the only one who has been reincarnated in this world. That she will be able to to meet them again, all of them. And that they also remembered their past lives.

It's been a week since the Sorenson's house arrived in capital. Their fief takes 1 week travel just to get here.

The maids attended to Sang to get ready for the day. Her mother is taking her for shopping.

Even until now Sang always remember Gabriel everytime they go shopping. Lost in her thought, she went outside the shop to take a breather.

"Watch out!"

She hears a familiar voice but younger.

"Max! Stop!"

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