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Nari's P.O.V.

I don't remember driving to Tae's house. I don't remember walking around the house. I don't even remember sitting down.

I don't THINK I concussed myself.....

Wait, did I?

All I could think about was Jimin's smile when he watched the feathers fall. And his answer replaying in my head over and over again. Stars are my safe haven.

Now I know where to sta-


I snap my head up to Jungkook looking at me angrily. "You just killed me! Do you know how long it took for me to get there?!"

Oh yeah, I'm playing Overwatch.

Oh shit, I just killed Jungkook in Overwatch.

Goodbye world.

Before Jungkook can say anything else to me, I suddenly feel arms around my neck and a head on my shoulder. "Nariiiiiii. I haven't seen you in forever, and once you finally come over you don't give me a hug? How could you?" Taehyung whined, nuzzling his face into my neck. I sigh and pet his blonde hair.

Me and Tae have known each other since we were little, so I'm used to his clinginess.

"I have something on my mind," Tae didn't respond since he seemed to be satisfied now that I was giving him some attention. "You mean your new job, right?" Namjoon sits in a chair nearby.

I nodded my head. "My current patient is different than others I've had before. I don't quite know what to do to help him." I confess.

Namjoon smiles at my confession. And no matter how long I've known him him I'll never get over it....


"It's simple. Find out his hobbies, what he likes, and encourage him to keep doing them. They can help him with getting out his emotions, and it'll help him trust you."

I smiled at the thought of Jimin trusting me. I'd love to see that smile more.

"Does someone have a crush on their patient?" I snap my head towards Yoongi, my face turning red.

"Of course not! And you're one to talk, what about the time when you fell in love with one of your customers!"

Yoongi scowled. "That was different! I wasn't the one that got a crush in two days!" He pointed an angry finger at me and I stuck out my tongue. "Screw off, you mushroom. I don't have a crush."

Namjoon has a good point though. I should get to know Jimin's interests. He likes drawing, and he likes the stars.

Oh my god

That's it

"Nari, come on!! I wanna play Overwatch!" I rolled my eyes at Jungkook's behavior, before ruffling his black hair and starting a new game.


After playing Overwatch for three hours, I finally start my drive home. However, I then pass a small commercial mall on my way home. As I see the neon lights flashing, I put on my turn signal and park in front of a store.

There's something I have to do first.


3rd P.O.V.

Back at the mental hospital, Jimin ate in the corner of his room, his body tense as he tried to get rid of the voices in his head.

You don't deserve to be here.

How dare you keep breathing after what you did.

Stop trying, you can't do anything.

You're worthless.

You're hopeless.

In a sudden fit of anger, Jimin threw his table to the other side of the room, and kicked his chair to the ground.

As he stares at the newly made mess in his room, he slides down the wall before curling into a ball and crying.

Pathetic. Good thing no one cares about you enough to ask.

It only made Jimin sob harder. When someone is upset, others comfort them..... but Jimin had no one.

And so Jimin stayed in the corner, crying his heart out in the darkness... because that's the one thing Jimin knows will always be there.


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