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From the last chapter:

Jimin's eyes widened. "But-But Hyunsik's right, I belong in here. You just saw me cutting myself, Nari. That's not what normal people do."

"You're right, Jimin. You're not normal."

I walked closer to him before putting my hands on his shoulders.

"You're extraordinary. And I'll make sure you don't cut yourself again, because I'm not gonna leave you this time. I'll be right by your side."

I could see Jimin's hands shake before he grabs one of my hands and interlaces our fingers.

"Ok. Let's go."


Nari's P.O.V.

"Ok. Let's go."

As I feel the warmth radiating from Jimin's hand, sparks shoot through my body and I smile at him, his eyes turning into crescents as he smiles back.

However, the moment stopped when a loud thud could be heard a little ways away.

Guess Jin couldn't stall anymore.

"Come on!" Me and Jimin start running, heading towards the back door to make our escape.

A single guard stood at the beginning of the hallway, striding towards us. I feel Jimin's grip on my hand tighten as he steps in front of me, putting himself between me and the guard.

He's so sweet.

"I've got you now!!" Right when the guard was going to lunge toward us, a body landed on top of him, the guards attention off us and instead on the person who was on his back.


"Don't worry, I've got this!! Get to the car!"

I nod my head before continuing to pull Jimin to the backdoor. I hear a loud thud before I turn around to see the guard on the ground, unconscious, Taehyung running towards us.

Once we finally reach the door, I was temporarily blinded from the sunlight.

However, I snapped out of it when I heard a car honking and Yoongi's voice screaming out from the car "Move! Move!"

Taehyung basically jumped through the open window, and me and Jimin scrambled into the back seat of the car.

Jin slammed on the pedal, getting us away from the mental hospital as soon as possible. I look behind the back window to see Hyunsik with a bloody nose, scowling at our retreating car.

I smirk.

Serves you right, asshole.

I then realize how quiet the car ride was. I guess it's time for a proper introduction.

"Jimin, these are my friends. Guys, this is Jimin."

"Um, it's nice to meet you..?"

"I'm Namjoon. Nice to finally meet you Jimin."

"Yoongi. And yeah, we finally get to see you. Nari can't shut up when it comes to you."

Jimin's turns his head my way, smirking.


My cheeks turned red. "T-That's not true."

"Or course it is! You talk about him all the time! I'd say meeting him was long overdue. I'm Taehyung, by the way."

Jimin smiles, his eyes turning into crescents.

"So Jin, where are we going?" Jungkook asked.

"Namjoon said we're just going back to the house and giving Jimin an extra room." Hoseok smiled at Jimin.

"How long will the car ride be?" I can see the sun starting to set.

"About 2 hours." Jin looked at me through the rear view mirror. "It'll be a long drive, so you all better get comfortable."

I look out the window to see the sun almost completely gone.

This ride is going to take a while.


There's still thirty minutes of the car ride and nearly everyone was asleep. The only ones that were still awake were me and Jin.

I simply stare out the window, watching the stars zoom by like small rockets, when I suddenly feel a weight on my shoulder.

I froze.

Is it what I think it is....

I turn my head slightly, looking to see Jimin's head on my shoulder.

Oh sweet lord someone help me.

I release a breath I didn't know I was holding, making sure my movements are small so I don't wake him up.

As I look at Jimin's face, I can't help but notice how beautiful he looks. He looks peaceful, like there's no problems happening in his life.

He looks ethereal.

I can't help but let my hand brush away the strands of hair falling into his eyes.

His hair is so soft.

I can still see the dark circles under his eyes, and the faint signs of him crying earlier, my thumb barely grazing his cheek.

"I saw that."

I feel my entire soul leave my body as I see Jin looking at me through the rear view mirror, smirking like a cat.

I can feel my face erupt into a million shades of scarlet. "You say nothing!"

Jin chuckles at me before putting his eyes back on the road.

"He means a lot to you, doesn't he?"

I'm surprised by the question, looking back down to Jimin.

He's always the one person to make me smile whenever I have a bad day.

I love him so much more than my other patients.

My heart stilled.

I love him so much more than my other patients.....

I love him so much more....

I love him...

"He means everything to me."

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