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(I put a song up at the top. You can play it now if you want :))

Nari's P.O.V.

Once the car ride finally ended, everyone else woke up as we all tiredly walk into the house.

"Jimin, you can stay in the room at the back of that hall. Nari can show you the way."

I nod before leading Jimin into the room, closing the door behind us.

"Why'd you shut the door?" Even though he asked me that question, I could tell he already knew based on the nervous look in his eyes.

"You know why. Sit." He joined me on the bed before I take his hands, looking at the pink stains on his sleeves before looking into his eyes.

"Why were you cutting yourself?"

Jimin looked down before sighing. "I wanted to feel something."

As he saw my confused face, he continued. "When you were gone, every night someone would come in and beat me up. I was miserable. Without you here, I couldn't feel anything. I felt numb. So I started cutting myself so I could feel something, and then you found me."

"Well that's not gonna happen ever again. We'll keep you here, away from Hyunsik, and there'll be no one able to keep us apart."

Jimin looked back into my eyes, as if he was searching for something.

"I'm not going anywhere."

A lazy smile spread over Jimin's face, a few small laughs coming from him.

"Oh my god, I love you so much."

My eyes widened.


Jimin's eyes widened as well as he realized what he said. "Uh.. um... I didn't... what I meant to say was.... uh....... I GOTTA TAKE A SHOWER!" He dashed into the bathroom and slammed the door, leaving me frozen in place.

I barely register the fact that I walked out of the room. I finally regained my senses when I heard Tae's voice.

"She finally cracked."

"Nari, your face is all red. You good?" Hoseok smiled at me. I can tell he knows.

I blink twice before covering my face with my hands and walking to the door. "I've had a long day, I'm going to bed. Good night."


"GOOD NIGHT!!!" I slam the door closed and sit in my car, watching the rain drops hit my windshield.

Jimin loves me.

When did this happen?

I then think back to all the appointments we've had, all the times we've snuck out, all the times we were together.

"Please don't cry. I love you most when you're smiling."

"I can't do this anymore. Nari, please hurry. Please come back soon."

"Without you here, I couldn't feel anything. I felt numb."

I'm such an idiot.

However, all my own memories rush past me.

How Jimin could always make me smile.

How he could send sparks through my body just by holding my hand.

How a simple smile could change my view on the world.

I sigh as I realize what's happened. I rest my head on the steering wheel.

"I'm in love with Park Jimin."

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