Monsters in The Forest

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The wind and snow were brutal, scraping against his skin, leaving it red and raw even when he bowed his head against his horse's neck. He didn't care though. All he cared about was getting home; he just had to get back to the village. He knew his family might not be at the cottage anymore, they could have already gone back to town, but he just needed to get back to the village. Once there, he knew he would have company to take him in for the night. The farmers he had worked for. Jean, or even Christian, they would give him a bed for the night; he just needed to get back to the village.

Even riding with his head bowed and his eyes nearly closed against the wind, he knew he was riding in the right direction, the same way he had known he was going the right way when he had come to the castle.

His horse seemed as desperate to get away as him, riding like a race horse, sweating even in the cold, his breath a fog before them.

There was no warning before the collision. A force like a run-away carriage crashed into them from the side, out of the darkness and sent them both flying, his horse was actually lifted from the ground and thrown into the air and when they came down again, they rolled, Beldon crushed under the horse for a moment before they fell to the side.

Scrambling, Beldon wrenched himself out from under the horse, almost sick from the shock. He rubbed at his eye, looking at his hand. There was a gash somewhere on his forehead, the blood pouring down over his left eye. He spun back towards his horse who let out a cry.

His eyes widened. One of the legs was damaged. He scrambled to his horse, feeling for the break and almost cried himself when he felt it. The back left shin was probably fractured.

No, NO! This wasn't supposed to happen. He couldn't go home like this!

He looked back into the darkness, the way he had come.

He wouldn't leave his horse. He would have to go back, he needed help. He knew he was closer to the castle then the village; he would have to go back. DAMN IT!

"I'm sorry," he whispered, pulling off his coat and throwing it over the horse, tucking it in tight, "I'm so sorry. I'll get help. I'll—"

A growl out of the darkness made him freeze. He was still for a moment, then slowly looked around. That was a point... what had made them fall in the first place?

He looked into the darkness and felt something he recognised.

Eyes on him.

A gaze unlike that which he felt within the castle. No, this was the feeling from when he had looked into the forest from the orchard – a look to be feared.

He saw the white eyes first. Glowing out of the darkness, and then the rest followed.

A huge monstrous wolf with golden fur prowled out of the shadows, as tall at him, glistening fangs bared and it had chains, like The Beast, from its ears to a collar around its neck.

Beldon stared. Monsters... there was nothing but monsters here.

He slowly rose to his feet, the dog growling. His horse had tilted its head right back to see what the danger was and lay there frozen and terrified.

Beldon took a step backwards, his eyes flicking from left to right. He needed to get this monster away from his horse. Slowly, his hand settled on his hip. He still had his fencing sword from the morning – not his ideal choice but it would do since it wasn't blunted.

Slowly drawing it, he adjusted his feet, ready to run, but too late.

The dog lunged at him, it's front paws slammed into his chest, knocking him backwards, falling over his horse, who whinnied in fright and pain, it's legs flailing, narrowly missing kicking Beldon's head but colliding with the dog, knocking it aside, stunning it enough for Beldon to roll onto his knees, grab his sword and lunge.

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