Chapter twelve

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ash's pov

"Can you please at least come you dont have to bowl," Carson said

"Alright," I said streching.

"Lets go," he said grabing my hand pulling me up with him.

"Bye Sage bye Kaden," I said giving them each a hug.

"Bye mommy," kaden said sniffling

"Its alright i'll come back," I said kissing his forehead.

"Okay mommy hawve fun," he said.

"Bye ," I said leaving the room.


"Hi I am Carson alpha of this pack and this is my mate," he said

"Hi alpha," a women said "I'm sarah," she said

"Nice to meet you," he said I could tell he was smiling

"And whats your name?" Carson asked.

"I'm James," he said

"Nice to meet you James," he said

"What is your mates name?" sarah asked

uh oh.


Kadens POV

I crawled down the hallway after the Sage and Carson. Crawling was faster and more efficient for me then walking. I got fed up and I stood up taking a few running steps across the tile. I tripped and banged my head. I felt the tears spring to my eyes and I let out a loud wail. One of the back baby sitters was by my side in a minuet hearing my cries. I balled harder as the pain increased.

"Shh," the lady said.

"Mommy!" I screamed. Nobody came. The tears flew out of my eyes as the pain decreased. I scrambled to get out of the ladies arms. The tears still flowing out of my eyes I started running to my room. I tripped once more and skinned my knee the blood slowly dripped down my leg.

Sage was sitting on her side with that boy Carson.

"Swage," I whispered

"What do you want Kaden," she growled at me. More tears sprung to my eyes. I let them out and left the room. I slowly walked to my mummy's room and crawled onto the bed. My stuffed monkey was on there. I grabbed him and pulled him into my chest.

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