Niall told all the boys what happened to Sean and how he would be booking a ticket later to go to Ireland for the funeral. Within seconds all of the boys had said they would go with him, they didn't want to leave him alone at a time like this. They were like brothers and they needed to be there for each other through everything, especially the bad times.

Unfortunately the boys were going to have to leave that night, and that they wouldn't get to see the girls before they left for Ireland. They didn't know when they would speak to them again, they had the flight, the funeral and anything else that was going on. They knew they would talk eventually, but Stephanie still hadn't been able to tell Zayn about the kiss, and Niall and her agreed she should be the one to tell him. After all she didn't want to make him worry about something else with all the other things going on in his life.

*2 Days Later*

The girls where in school while the boys were in Niall's home town of Mullingar Ireland. They were all staying at Niall's old house with his Mom. His parents were divorced but his father was still coming over frequently after Niall and the other boys arrived. This was going to be a trip filled with happiness, he was going to see his family and friends that he hadn't seen in a while. It was also going to be a trip filled with sadness and tears, his best mate wouldn't be there and it wouldn't be the same without him.

"Ready mate?" Liam asked his friend as they pulled into the parking lot filled with people. 

Niall looked around at all the sad faces and the paps that were just dying to get a picture of him. It was all so crazy, and if that was outside imagine what it would be like inside. He didn't think he could do it.

"You can do it Niall." Harry encouragingly told him when Liam didn't get an answer just a small shrug.

"I don't think I can." He told them playing with his thumbs.

"Look Niall we've got your back no matter what, it's okay to cry or be upset." Louis added.

"Yeah Niall you're like our brother, I think this has all taught us how important it is that we are here for each other. All I know is that no matter what happens inside there today we will leave closer then we were before." Zayn said directly to Niall while the rest of the boys agreed with him.

Louis opened the door and shuffled out first. All of the boys followed except for Niall.

"Come on." Louis said gesturing him to get out of the car.

"But the paps."

"Ignore them, just walk straight past all of them and walk inside." Harry told him.

Niall slowly moved out of the car and stood next to the other boys.

They all walked in side by side to join the sea of people waiting inside.

The first person he saw that he knew were Sean's parents. Sean's father had a protective arm around his wife as she stood there crying. He walked over when he noticed her look up at them.

"Niall I'm so glad you could come." She tearily told him.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world." He hugged her and shook Mr.Cullen's hand while the boys told them how sorry they were for there loss.

The casket was sat in the front of the room, closed because of the damage his body sustained in the crash. Niall slowly crept up to it walking slower and slower the closer he got until eventually he was there. Flowers laid on top and around it, pictures to accompany it all.  A few were right on top, one that Niall noticed almost instantly. It was a picture set, it was him and Sean from when they first met in front of Niall's house and the picture next to it was the same only it was taken a few months ago.  He place his hand on it and whispered something as yet another tear formed in his eyes. Zayn placed his hand on his shoulder, all the boys were standing behind him.

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