Chp. 4, Part I

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"Everything okay?"

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"Everything okay?"

"Kalen didn't have anyone telling him not to say stupid things this morning," I told Jenna and stomped upstairs.

I was furious. Not only had I been clueless, and in real danger last night, but Kalen had never intended on enlightening me. What sort of person puts their friend in a dangerous situation and keeps them in the dark? Indefinitely in the dark by the sounds of it too. God, I was so mad! I had felt so useless and vulnerable last night; so completely out of my depth. It had terrified me. And, Kalen had known. I felt something shift irrevocably inside me. Not a physical movement, but it was like a spotlight had switched on in my brain and was shining on my relationship with Kalen, illuminating him in a completely different way.

Sitting down on the edge of my bed, I screwed my hands into fists and pushed them into the duvet underneath me. When same blinding pain from the night before started pounding behind my eyes, I raised my hands to my temples. I pushed against the side of my head with the heel of my hands. Tearing my eyes open, I glanced quickly around the room; there was nothing there to help me and everything was too bright, too clear. In one look, I could see the grain of the wood on my bedside table, the weave of my linen curtains and even the spiderweb ridges running through the skin on the side of my hands. Closing my eyes, I let out a loud groan.

Jenna came running into my room, "What's the matter?"

"My head," I whimpered through clenched teeth. Jenna sat on the bed next to me and started stroking my hair. I leant into her and she pulled my head into her lap, smoothing my hair slowly with her palm. Gradually, I felt myself growing calmer and the pain behind my eyes ebbed away. I opened them and looked around the room again. My vision had returned to its normal clarity. I looked at Jenna. "Better?" she asked quietly.

"Yes. Thank you," I croaked.

"You haven't had one of those in years," she said. I raised my eyebrow. "You don't remember? You got them when you were only a little girl, you'd shout about your eyes hurting and the only way to calm you down was to stroke your hair. The doctors told your mum it was anxiety related."

"I don't remember. How old was I?"

"Oh, only young, maybe 3 or 4? A long time ago now. What's kicked them off again?"

I shrugged and sat up. "Last night I think. At least, I had one last night when I got out of the club." I shuddered, remembering how white Gabriel's eyes had looked against his dark skin.

"And just now, after fighting with Kalen?"

"You heard that?" I asked quickly.

"Not really, at least I didn't hear what you guys said, I could just tell you were angry." I nodded in response. "Give it time Anastasia. Things are always muddy when you fight with your friends."

"I'm just so mad at him."

"That why you want to go to Wepre today?".

"Yeah, I just... I need to clear my head."

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