Chapter thirty four : Looking for a needle in a haystack

Start from the beginning

"That's way too dangerous." Orga said.

Rufus nodded.

"Come on please you won't drop me." Yukino smiled "I can trust you two not two drop me."

Orga looked at Rufus like they were having some kind of telepathic conversation. Because a minute later they turned and both said "fine."

Yukino smiled "thank you."

Orga grabbed Yukino's ankles and slowly lowered her off the roof to the window ledge where Sting's earring was.

"Go lower." Yukino said.

Orga lowered Yukino further down. The wind hit Yukino's hair. Hopefully people down there wouldn't notice her. The world was all tilted to Yukino as she hung off the side of the roof. Yukino stretched her arm out and her fingers slightly hit the window ledge but she still couldn't grab the earring.

"Just a bit lower."

Orga lowered her more and Yukino managed to grab his earring. "I've got it!" Yukino smiled and then turned a little and passed it to Rufus who leaned over the roof and grabbed it putting it safely in his pocket.

Yukino felt one of her keys slip from her belt. It was Picses key.

It began to fall so Yukino reached out and jolted to grab it. She stretched with all her might to catch it making Orga lose his grip on Yukino and he let go of her left ankle.

Yukino screamed but kept trying to catch the key. She stretched out and her finger and  just touched her key but slipped from her grasp and fell down to the ground.

Yukino looked down and watched it fall as she was still held over the roof by one ankle to see someone below catch it.

She peered down and saw Kagura down below standing with Rogue and Frosch, she had caught her key.

The three looked up and saw Yukino hanging from the roof.

Rogue shouted "YUKINO?"

Yukino could barely make out what he said from the wind hitting her hears and the distance between them "I FOUND STING'S EARRING!"

Yukino could tell Rogue had rolled his eyes even though he only looked like an ant from down on the ground. Orga grabbed her other ankle back and she was safe.

Frosch got out his phone and took a picture of Yukino hanging on the side of the roof and grinned happily.

Orga hauled Yukino back over and sat her down on the ground. Yukino's head was pumping as all the blood rushed to it and her ear was ringing slightly from the wind battering at her. She shivered in the snow.

Orga said "well that happened."

Yukino laughed.

Rufus put his hand on her shoulder "are you alright?"

"I just need to get to my room." Yukino nodded. She was going to freeze out here.

Rufus handed her Sting's earring and she put it in her pocket. "Thank you for helping." Then they began to make their way back into the hotel.

"Hey we're Sabertooth." Orga grinned.

"Yeah." Yukino nodded. 

Orga pushed open the doors and they walked back into the hotel. Yukino felt funny all over after being freezing to going back to warm. They made their way down stairs and back to their floor and walked along into their room.

Yukino went straight to her room and grabbed her blanket and wrapped it tightly around her.

When she came back out Rogue, Kagura and Frosch were there. Rogue said "what exactly were you doing hanging from a roof?" Rogue sat her key down on the table.

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