Chapter 10. Writing songs (about you).

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“I remind you that you hate Justin Bieber, would you want him to win instead of One Direction?”

“In that case, I’ll keep voting”

We laughed and kept talking about different stuff. He told me what he was doing in America and I just told him all the stories about Leigh and Nate.

“So, Nate and Leigh like each other but they’re not together” he said.

“That’s it.”

“I’ve been there and it might be just because they’re scared to take the first step”

“Have you? Who with? Demi Lovato?” I said, laughing.

“Hey what are you talking about?”

“Last time you were in America there were rumours you guys were dating”

“We just talked on Skype! Just like you and I are doing right now”

“Are you trying to say there might be rumours about us too?”

“Of course. They can be writing that you’re dating your favourite member of One Direction.”

“You’re not my favourite member of One Direction” I said, laughing.

“Who is it then?”


“Maddie, I didn’t expect that from you. Maybe you’re just using me to get to him.”

“Ooops Niall, you caught me.”

“I’ll go find him then, I’m sure he’ll be happy to know he’s your favourite one.”

“Niall, no!”

He left his laptop on the table and disappeared. I decided to grab some snacks while I waited for him. I took some chocolate ice cream from the freezer and went back to my room. I found Zayn on the screen of my laptop, laughing, and Niall behind him.

“Hey Maddie!” Zayn said.

“Erm… hey.”

“I’ve heard I’m your favourite One Direction boy.”

“Yes, looks like it.”

“Well, I appreciate that but I gotta go, I was talking to my girlfriend. See you lovebirds.”

Zayn left and Niall sat back on the couch. Lovebirds? Did he just call us ‘lovebirds’? What was that for? Anyway, it didn’t matter that much, it must have been just to pick on his friend.

“I thought the conversation would last longer” I told him, laughing.

“I know, what a pity. But he’s talking to Perrie and can’t spend more than 10 minutes without speaking to her.”

We laughed; I looked at the clock, I had to go to the bar.

“Well Niall, I’d like to stay longer…”

“But you have to go.”


“Will we speak tomorrow?”


“So, I’ll send you a text you tomorrow.”

“No. Do it on Skype or Twitter, texts from abroad are too expensive.”

“Alright. See you tomorrow Maddie.”

“Bye Niall.”

I turned off my laptop, grabbed my stuff and went to the bar.

Niall’s POV

When  I turned off my laptop I went out of my room to go find something to eat. I found Liam at the hotel bar, so I went and sat next to him. I ordered a bottle of water and a sandwich and then looked at Liam.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I think it’s just the jet lag.”

We both laughed.

“Do we have rehearsals today?” I asked.

“Yes, I think we start at 5.”

“I’m too tired, and we’ve been here only for three days.”

“What have you done today?”

“I talked with Maddie on Skype.”

“With Maddie?” he asked, confused.


“I thought you didn’t get along.”

“Liam, you got lost.”

“What happened now?”

“Well, I…”

“You like Maddie.”


“And who didn’t know that?”

“I didn’t like her at first!”



They served me my food and I started eating. Liam said goodbye to me and went to sleep. When I was done, I headed to Harry’s room. Louis was also there with him, playing FIFA. I sat on the couch and joined them.

“I talked to her again today.”

“I already knew it.”

“How come?”

“Leigh told me.”


“Yes, she usually tells me that kind of stuff.”

“So you guys keep in touch” I told Harry.

“Erm yes, we’re pretty good friends.”


“Yes, he tells me her issues with Nate and I tell her how we’re doing in America.”


We spent the rest of the afternoon playing FIFA and then went to rehearsals.

Keep Me Warm (Niall Horan)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu