Who was in my house?

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"They just got a few scrapes and scratches but no broken bones, they'll be perfectly fine after hugs and kisses." The Carlisle told us.

"The social worker." I worried.

"I'll tell them that they are fine, and you tell them your story okay." He reassured us.

"Okay, thank you." Jake said nodding at him then me.

"Go check on your baby's." He smiled and walked away.

I walked towards the room they were in and opened the door. Josie was sleeping with a lollipop sticking out of her mouth and Jodie was playing with her princess toys with her lollipop going towards her dolls mouth.

They had bandaids on them and I felt like crap.

"Mommy look I got a red lolli," Jodie pointed it at me. I smiled and walked over to her sitting on her bed hugging her.

"I'm so happy your okay." I said as she hugged me back.

"Now what scared you guys." Jake asked them.

"Some man came in our room and he was really scary and he talked like this." She said with a deep voice.

"Who was in my house." I asked her then Jake. He looked at me with a angry look just as I was giving him one.

"He said my name is huston and I need SIMONE NOW." She yelled the last two words. For her to go through all this still be smiling amazes me.

"Huston, where have I heard that from." Jake said walking over to Josie who was still sleeping, and taking the lollipop out of her mouth.

Just then the social worker came in the room and just stared at us for a second then spoke, "what happened."

"It was an accident, they were upstairs in there room and got scared of something and ran down the stairs and fell over each other."jake explained. 

"They just got a few scrapes and scratches but no broken bones, they'll be perfectly fine after hugs and kisses." The Carlisle told us.

"The social worker." I worried.

"I'll tell them that they are fine, and you tell them your story okay." He reassured us.

"Okay, thank you." Jake said nodding at him then me.

"Go check on your baby's." He smiled and walked away.

I walked towards the room they were in and opened the door. Josie was sleeping with a lollipop sticking out of her mouth and Jodie was playing with her princess toys with her lollipop going towards her dolls mouth.

They had bandaids on them and I felt like crap.

"Mommy look I got a red lolli," Jodie pointed it at me. I smiled and walked over to her sitting on her bed hugging her.

"I'm so happy your okay." I said as she hugged me back.

"Now what scared you guys." Jake asked them.

"Some man came in our room and he was really scary and he talked like this." She said with a deep voice.

"Who was in my house." I asked her then Jake. He looked at me with a angry look just as I was giving him one.

"He said my name is Huston and I need SIMONE NOW." She yelled the last two words. For her to go through all this still be smiling amazes me.

"Huston, where have I heard that from." Jake said walking over to Josie who was still sleeping, and taking the lollipop out of her mouth.

Just then the social worker came in the room and just stared at us for a second then spoke, "what happened."

"It was an accident, they were upstairs in there room and got scared of something and ran down the stairs and fell over each other."jake explained.

"What scared you Jodie." She asked her, just then Jodie started whining and broke out into loud sobbing tears.

"What's wrong baby." I asked.

"Mommy." She screamed hugging me.

"Can I talk to her for a second without you too." She said.

"Yes."jake said looking at me. Jodie still had her head in my stomach crying. I wasn't about to leave her like this.

"She is crying, give me a second." I told them both, "baby what's wrong I said taking her off of mess she cried louder.

When she finally calmed down enough to speak she said, "I wanna stay with mommy and daddy, I don't wanna go with her, I sorry, I sorry."

"Oh baby, your going to be fine, okay." I said to her as she hugged me again.

All her screaming woke up Josie and she started crying. Jake ran over and held her too. When she finally stopped crying we walked out and the social worker did her investigation.

Five minutes later she finally came out.

"So, they really love you guys and they seem perfectly fine, as the doctor said, so I'm good, but are you sure your ready for two newborn baby's." She asked us.


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