Double the Trouble

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two weeks later

"so as i was saying, i think we should do a project on turning maya into a toad." roger said to me smiling at her.

"you're such a human inthusiast."

"what, the way their brains work excites me."

"Mrs.Black, can we pick a project that we can actually do and that is not recommended by Roger nor Huston." Emzy asked.

"what did you just say." i asked. where have i heard that name from?

"i said can we not do a project that was formed from Roger and Kaine one shared brain cell."

"oh, i thought you said huston." as soon as i said that the whole class gasped which freaked me out. "what."

"we're not aloud the say that name in school"  Bowie explained.

"oh, im sorry, but why not."

"you don't know," Emzy started, "he's like the devil to the humans, the story is he was a old ruler of our world who went mad when his wife was killed, so he would try and find a girl who looked liked her and take her to his abandon castle where he was banished and keep her there until she died. "

"how do you not know." she asked me.

"i don't  really know sweet heart."

"so we're just going to ignore her insult about me and my best friend." roger asked the class as everyone ignored him.

"um, so your project is to make a mountain out of a mole hill ok."

""yep." they all said together as the bell rang.

"goodbye loves." i said as they scattered like roaches. i don't blame them, i am their last cass of the day and i'm ready to go home too."

just then i get a call from jake.

"hello babe." i said answering. screaming rings through my phone as i hear jake shhh'ing the screaming.

"what happened."

"uhh, the girls were upstairs and josie said that jodie saw something scary and screamed and she cam in saw it and as they were running down the stairs they both fell on top of each other and jodie was on the bottom and there both pretty beat up.

"aww my babies, is-is that josie crying."

"yep. that's why we are on our way to the hospital." he explained to me.

"MOMMY." i heard.

"send me the directions, im leaving the school now."

nothing scares Josie, what could of scared her.

Jacobs last imprintWhere stories live. Discover now