Chapter 57: "Throbbing/ Insecure"

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Frediano Pov / Third Pov

Trying to gather my thoughts before I enter the
house I see my sister's car in my driveway. My head still hurts but opening my front door I'm ready for Dahlia's squealing voice to say hello to me and rush me at the door, but she didn't walking towards the living room I immediately hear my girlfriends laugh sounding innocent as ever.

As I see Dahlia and Emerald on the couch talking, I stand in the corner of the living room I instantly thought to myself how it was way too early for Emerald to meet my sister and my mother but viewing there interaction with each other seemed like there were friends.

While talking Dahlia looks in my direction and says "Good morning Freddie, now where were you?"

Walking towards them both Emerald and Dahlia stand up looking at me suspiciously, weird enough they can both sense somethings was wrong but ignore it. Speaking I say "Good morning Dahlia I had a business meeting that ran late so I went to a nearby hotel for the night." Lying all the way through they both still look at me oddly but fortunately Dahlia knew never to question me about my business.

Looking at Emerald she was just beautiful as always but the way she stared at me was a little disheartening so again I ignored it and gave a kiss on the cheek where she smiled slightly and said a simple good morning to me.

Dahlia said to me "While I was waiting for you this morning, this beauty show up and asked me where you were, we didn't have a great start to introducing ourselves to one another, which was completely my fault but after many laughs between us I'd say we're fine.

"I hope she didn't talk your ear off, Emerald."

"No of course not Dahlia is very sweet." She said back

"Well Freddie I have to go I just wanted to check on you, and now you're fine so bye, It was very nice meeting you Emerald." Giving Frediano a quick kiss on the cheek and a wave goodbye to Emerald

Watching her leave Frediano let out a slight sigh saying "So I guess meeting my sister was interesting...."

"To say the least." Emerald said now trying to switch the subject "I tried calling you, as you must know already, so I just need to ask were you really at meeting yesterday?

Both still standing in the living room Frediano needed to sit down his head was throbbing at this point and now Emerald doesn't believe him, it was amazing how she saw right through him but she couldn't he couldn't let her see that.

"Emerald please sit down." Frediano said with Emerald just looking at him more suspiciously than before.

He tried to talk but Emerald unintentionally interrupted him saying "Were you with her? Were you with Adriana last night." She asked seriously

"Emmy..." Frediano said hesitant to answer the question knowing what happened the day before was to complicated to explain

"I knew it, I knew it when you told me you had a child with her, I questioned myself where I fit into your life and you new family...."

"Stop , stop look at me, Emerald look at me you know I can't tell you much about my business but I'm telling you the truth, the meeting ran late, that's all. As where you stand in life you and son are the most important people in my life right now. Adriana will never mean anything to me."

"Frediano I don't want to act insecure, I really don't but I can't help it you have a perfect family just waiting for you, it could all be so simple you just forgive her and give you son the family he needs."

"Emerald do you want to be with me?" Frediano asked bluntly

"What kind of question is that of course I do" Emerald said quickly

"And I want to be with you too but this isn't going to work out if you don't believe me." He said

Looking at him intently Emerald felt kind of stupid saying all of that but then again Frediano's demeanor felt off to her as soon as he came through door. He tried to stay hidden but listening to Dahlia speak Emerald saw him act odd at the corner of her eye but of course he didn't notice her but she sure did notice him. Maybe it was just all in her head and it was his mafia business after all and she was just overreacting. All she knew was that she didn't want this relationship with Frediano to end so suddenly.

Moving closer to him then holding his hand with hers "Frediano I'm sorry ok you seemed off to me that's all so I just assumed the worst thinking you went back to Adriana."

Squeezing her hand Frediano said "You need to hear me when I say this I will never ever get back with Adriana she is nothing to me Emerald you are my future, ok." Giving her a longing kiss right after.

Now I have to take a shower you could stay down here if you'd like or you could wait for me on the bedroom. Frediano said while standing up

"I guess I'll wait for you in the bedroom." Emerald said giving Frediano a cute smile before following behind him upstairs.

Author's Note

This chapter was long overdue I'm sorry guys....

Thank you the support...

Is Emerald ready for the next step with Frediano?

Till next time my loves

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